Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I have contributed. If looking after my own health is selfish then we are all selfish.

The only thing obvious here is that I respect the rights of others where as you don’t. You agree with a system that coerces people into getting a vaccine they are not comfortable with and have genuine grounds to be skeptical of.

That sort of zealotry you possess is extremely dangerous for society.

That’s the key thing for me.

Of course everyone has a right not to take a vaccine.

But the facts are that we are in a raging pandemic and the choice not to take a vaccine will understandably have knock on impacts.

You can’t have your cake and eat it.

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Do you respect the rights of other people to life and to health?

What do you think of the smoking ban? You can’t smoke indoors to protect other people’s health.

So what’s your alternative? Leave everything shut until everyone is vaccinated or open it all up and run the risk of a surge in cases and hospitalisations?

There was never going to be an answer to this that was bulletproof.


Do you? Or do you think people should be forced into getting an experimental vaccine that has been shown to cause blood clotting, facial paralysis, enlarged hearts and death? Do you have any actual conviction to what you say or do you feel people should be coerced into something they have genuine worries about. I believe people should be trusted to make informed decisions around their own health and not be strongarmed or bullied into those decisions.

You disagree with respecting people’s lives and regard for their own personal health. That’s where we differ as you said yourself, vaccinations are not 100% effective so you telling an unvaccinated person not to do things or that they should not be allowed do things is the height of hypocrisy from you. You could just as much spread Covid despite the fact you’re vaccinated yet you want to do things you don’t want unvaccinated people to be allowed to.

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So you agree in a two tier society that discriminates against people who make a choice not to get vaccinated?

No. I said choosing not to get a vaccine in a pandemic is going to have implications.

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What is your point? That everything is not perfect? I am not an idealist and this reality does not bother me.

Previously it was a covenant with people of your viewpoint on here that life necessarily involves risk and therefore there should be no form of lockdown because risk needed to be accepted in the spirit we accept each day’s weather. Now this position has inverted. Vaccines involve hypothetical risk and therefore vaccines should not be taken.

Can you account for this strange contradiction?

More broadly, and more importantly, you have no solution to offer so that society can renormalize. Vaccination, including vaccination of all secindary school pupils, is the only exit route. Some people realized this truth a long time ago. And the majority of rational people in society cannot be held to ransom.

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Your sneering at the J&J crew who only got a side effect of chronic New York Jets fandom has come back to haunt you.

The vaccines are not experimental.

They can have rare side effects, I accept that, but the risk of covid is far great, even for a younger healthy person like you.

That’s the first thing.

Second, you are not being coerced. No one will force you to take a vaccine. It is entirely your own choice. If you are inconvenienced by your choice, that is for you to accept, you choose that. I’m comfortable with you exercising your right to choose.

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Well we’re in a two tier society now. Do you agree with the measures taken with regard to unvaccinated people?

You’re also ignoring the implications of getting the vaccine which for some people has been fatal.

You’re alright Jack. Tough shit to those with illnesses not lifestyle related. As for those with lifestyle related illnesses, well they can all FOAD.

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I don’t follow.

You are some fuckin’ clown. How is sitting beside a smoker on a train going to give you lung cancer? Or sitting beside an alcoholic going to give you cirrhosis?

What part of the word ‘infectious’ can you not grasp? Are you really that stupid?

What percentage of people, you clown?

If the likes of you were in charge, they would euthanize the likes of you.

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You keep trotting out this line. That’s an outright lie, we haven’t even the foggiest breeze how long they are effective for. Clearly you are speaking about something you have little knowledge on, but you’ll arrogantly continue to spout your nonsense and run away when it’s challenged.

So tough luck about rare side effects (including death). Hard luck son, you were just one of the unlucky ones. Nice regard for life there. The vaccine is something you choose to get, you might not ever get Covid and for my demograph, there is minimal risk to me. Either the vaccines work or they don’t, you want to have your cake and eat it. Demand people get the vaccines to save lives then howl at people who don’t get it because the vaccines don’t work? Idiocy.

People are, a two tier society has been created where people who have reservations about the vaccines are being denied certain rights and privileges, a very, very dangerous step ahead for society. You really need to learn the meaning of what coerced means. If you were half as smart as think you are you would not have embarrassed yourself there, coerced does not mean forced, you’re the only one who mentioned forced.

You’re clearly not. You want unvaccinated people to be discriminated against, nasty person.

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Indoor dining, entry to events etc.

Ah another one comes crawling out of the woodwork all set to have segregated society and loving it. I suppose you will want the unvaccinated in separate carriage on the train.

It’s not ideal but is understandable given the major situation we are in,

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