Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It’s not understandable. It’s discriminatory.

Do you want to answer the point put?

Have a go. Consider it belated training.

If I was as right wing as the likes of you, I would probably believe in euthanizing the likes of you, for stupidity offences.

No it isn’t. You have a choice. If you choose to be inconvenienced then that is your own decision. Don’t whinge about it.

Why do you lack the courage to stand over your own decision?

I’d support that as long as it’s a smoking carriage.

You don’t understand the meaning of the word coercion, do you?

People are being excluded from society if they want to exercise their right not to get the vaccinate. That’s discriminatory.

You really need to educate yourself.

I have courage in my decision, I’m not getting the vaccine, it’s just disgusting that mini-fascists like yourself think it’s fine and dandy to discriminate against those who make informed decisions with regard to their own health.

Oh look.

It’s the chap who is cosying up and championing the biggest nutjob on the forum.

The contradiction is in your own head and your own imagination. People are free to take it, if you’re in a vulnerable group it’s probably a good idea. The idea that this vaccine is all we have is simply ridiculous. This notion of passports is for simpletons who’ve no awareness of history, clueless folk who happily put all trust in government, pharmaceutical companiesand media
As for vaccinating children for something they don’t need to fear, with a new untested and dangerous therapy? I would have no sympathy or regard for any health official or political figure who promoted or enforced such an idea…disgusting individuals who’ve abandoned any notion of protecting children. But it’s not so long since entrusting child abusers with kids was commonplace. No one should be surprised the the same conservative establishmentism is as banal now as then.


Absolutely this.

Jaysus someone is very touchy like your mate I must have hit a nerve. That’s an awful attitude to have that you would kill off people because they have a different viewpoint to you. What sort of sick fuck are you that you would state something that like that?

It’s a lovely sunny day lads. You could have your days work done by 12.30 and be paddle boarding by 1.30


The F word again. :grinning:


Snake oil

It’s not discriminatory. It’s discriminatory if you are negatively affected by something you have no control over. It’s your own choice not to take a vaccine. I’m fine with that. Your body your choice mate (good to see you finally aligning with our feminist movement sisters). If you choose an option that inconveniences you slightly, that is entire the consequence of your own decision. I’m happy for you to exercise your rights.

Too much INTERNET rots your brain.

You don’t understand the word discriminatory either.

People who don’t get the vaccine are being discriminate against, they are being denied access to events or services. Go get yourself an education as your lack of basic understanding is preventing you from making any intelligent points here.

People are being discriminated over choices they make with regard to their own health. To argue anything that counters that is idiocy.

I’m not championing you at all. I totally disagree with your point of view on vaccines.

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Maybe tell the families of some who died or were in ICU as a result of a vaccine that it was an inconvenience.

You are pedaling so many lies and falsehoods here, it is frankly incredible.

You have championed the most mentally ill poster on here in Sid.

The guy who got banned off this forum for horrific comments, went rogue on Twitter trying to get the site shut down and doxxing other posters on Twitter.

That’s who you aligned yourself with. You’re the third wheel of the nutty farm now.

No, you don’t understand discrimination.

Look, if you decide to wear the same shirt day after day and are smelly, people won’t want to come near you. That is not discrimination, it is a consequence of your choice as to how you wish to manage your personal hygiene.


Look, you don’t seem to understand that covid is dangerous, vaccines are far less dangerous.

I don’t think you’ll change your mind on this. That’s fine, it’s your choice. I respect your right to choose.

You are wrong though, like you are wrong on Ireland’s world class vaccine rollout.

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