Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nope. I’m fairly sure that’s you. Given you’re an arrogant tosspot I wouldn’t expect you to ever admit it, but once again when it comes down to substance you run away and make irrelevant potshots. When you grow a pair of balls you can come back and debate this with me like a man rather than the precious little queen you are.

Who is Covid dangerous to?

The world class vaccine rollout that has missed every target to date?

cc @TreatyStones

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Mewling like a kitten. Why can’t you simply accept the consequences of your own decisions, like a grown up man?

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You want to tell someone who died after taking a vaccine, got seriously ill or developed side effects after the vaccine that it’s just tough shit for them?

Selfish bastard.

107 countries require Yellow Fever vaccinations for people from at least some other countries to enter.

Could each of the anti-vax cranks please state on the record whether or not they are in favour of abolition of these requirements by those countries?

No, the contradiction is plain and clear. You advocated accepting (maximal) risk as a means of addressing this virus and now you advocate not accepting (minimal) risk as a means of addressing this virus. Any rational person can see the flip flop, the complete contradiction.

Introducing the topic of child abuse just demonstrates you have no coherent argument to make. But I will leave the matter at those observations.

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You are a moron proving you are a moron, post by post.

I bet I would have no problem digging up old posts where you stated, more or less, ‘risk is part of life and we need to get on with living’. Now you contend the exact opposite, without even realizing the contradiction.

Look, you are after a personality alibi with the right wing shite. We get that reality. But not knowing what ‘infectious’ means… By jaysus. If there was a zoo for stupidity, thousands of people would be gawking at you every day of the week.

God, I’ve read even posted some bullshit in my time but that bates banagher so it does.

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Look at this histrionic clown. Can provide no facts but will keep on trucking out the nonsense.

I guess if you have no intellect or no personality the options are limited.

The likes of him are terrible lucky that the likes of him are not in charge.

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I am not the one looking to euthanise people who don’t agree with you. So get down of your high horse ya sick fuck. Imagine saying you want to euthanise people what sort of sick fuck would say something like that. Disgusting. You should ashamed of yourself for that.

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Dont think they’d hear you if they were dead

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Ever hear of Jonathan Swift?

Now, do you want someone to explain to you what ‘infectious’ means?

Get away a sick fuck looking to euthanise people. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You truly are stupidity squared.

Yeah, I am looking for people to be euthanized… Of course I am.

Actually, funny enough, that craic was you and the other ‘let it rip’ merchants at the start of this pandemic. Which was part of my irony – but you would not get anything sledgehammer obvious, let alone something subtle.

Do you want someone to explain to you what ‘irony’ means?

You are a sick fuck saying you would euthanise people who don’t agree with you. Disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that. You sick fuck


I suppose if you can’t even allow yourself to compare Florida to California …no danger in you flip flopping. Accept the dogma and defend at all costs

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I love upsetting lads like you by confusing ye.

Most amusing.

I only really understand tabloid culture through encountering lads like you.

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What didn’t you understand mike?

What is upsetting that a person openly admits to wanting to Euthanise people that disagree with them. That is just sick and disgusting. you can try squirm your way out of it now by saying the shite you said above but the fact remains you have admitted to wanting to Euthanise people. You are a sick fuck and should be ashamed of yourself. Now we have the auld I wasn’t serious shite coming out,