Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Why do you continually veer away from the point under discussion?

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Oh I understood alright. I understood it to be what it was and I believe my description of it was accurate.

Not your personality anyway.

They had antigen tests for sale in Applegreen in Tramore this week.

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You can buy them in a bundle with butter and tonic water for a fiver.

The only offering you have made is empty statements, when pressed on them you have nothing.

I canā€™t do much with that mikeā€¦just something about your non specified beliefs?

Whatever my faults, I have never accepted ā€œdogmaā€ in my life, from a very early age, whether the notions come from clergy or from hucksters such as Ivor Cummins. I am happy to work out things for myself.

Not everyone with whom you disagree is a dupe.

You do not have a coherent position on this virus, as per the contradiction about risk, but there it is. I am not going to change my mind and you are not going to change your mind.

Youā€™re the blue bottle of the forum. Continually beating your head off the window until you catch someoneā€™s attention. They swat you away and then you come back for more.


I find it hard to understand how you are vertebrateā€¦ You really must be the dumbest clown on here ā€“ and that status is going some.

Enter Tweedledumber.

Thatā€™s you, one of the few people aligned to the nutjob Sidney.

Iā€™ve been very specific. If you canā€™t see that then Iā€™m afraid youā€™re time here is limited

You sort of have changed your mind, as have many who trundle along in the rutsā€¦thatā€™s why you never hear Florida mentioned on rte, youā€™d think theyā€™d find it interestingā€¦but they know, as do you.
Thereā€™s only one science allowed now

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Is that all you have left to throw insults. I am not the one looking to euthanise people you donā€™t agree with. Hurl all the insults you want but the fact of the matter is that you are the sick individual that posted that not me or anyone else, just you. So you can throw insults to try and deflect from what you said. Only a sick fuck would say they will euthanise people. Sick and disgusting.

You have lost me there.

Does not alter the contradiction in being prepared, before, to accept risk on behalf of other people but not being prepared, now, to accept the miniscule personal risk involved in taking a vaccine.

God lads, the grammar and spelling round here is atrocious so tis

Cats got your tongues, chaps?

@glenshane @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @The_Most_Infamous @tazdedub/@maroonandwhite

Funny funny.

Did you not want to leave old people to their Covid-19 fate? Or do I misremember?

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When was this pray tell? Just more deflection to try hide your euthanisa comment. Still sick and disgusting.