Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

So there is no chance of a post by you along those lines being found? Certain about that?

Take a breath, now. Have a ‘think’.

Sorry now @glasagusban not to be chasing you round the place but you don’t get to change what this is. It is coercion and it is discrimination. It was when you were horrified by it 3 months ago and it still is today now that you support it. Why else would they do it other than to coerce people to get the vaccine :grinning: it’s the reason why they are doing it. There are people who can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons, there are people who won’t get the vaccine for religious reasons, there are people who have not had the chance to get the vaccine yet and there are also the awkward people as you call them. They will be more than “inconvenienced” as you say, they will not be allowed to travel, they will not be allowed into bars and cafes and theatres and cinemas. This will be extended to colleges and eventually to schools and creches when the state takes the decision in the next weeks to coerce parents into getting their children vaccinated.

It’s ok for you change your mind on supporting this but you don’t get to change what it is. Be honest with yourself. Own it.


I don’t need to think about anything I never said that we should euthanise people like you did.

In typical Glas fashion, his righteousness suddenly pivots when he is on the side that is benefitted. You will recall a few months back, he was calling for people involved in The Beacon fiasco to lose their jobs over vaccine theft ahead of the more vulnerable and then a week later was proudly boasting about getting an AZ vaccine.


Certain about that?

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You’d hope that lads shrieking from the rooftops about how not being able to get into pubs for a month is the definition of Nazi tyranny have never had any real problems in their lives, God help them.

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They can already travel and can continue to do so. Don’t exaggerate.

I’ve said a good few times now I don’t agree with the system and I think there should be a testing element. What more do you want?

However I do accept there is risk and this is an interim measure. If it inconveniences the awkward squad for a little while that doesn’t bother me at all. You mention people who are seriously ill and can’t take a vaccine, perhaps it’s a stretch but would they be going to the pub anyway? I’ve already disagreed with Sid on whether we should hold back the rest of society from going to the pub because of people who are particularly vulnerable (we shouldn’t). Is that fair, no.

When this period is over and the unvaccinated awkward squad are let into the pubs that won’t bother me either.

Any pub in which @glenshane, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, @The_Most_Infamous, @tazdedub/@maroonandwhite and some of the other simpletons here are banned sounds like a great pub.

How long do you think it will be before this period is over?

Ah I see you’re back to the reductive argument of “going to the pub”. It’s more than that and you know it. Anyway think of it whatever way you want to make yourself comfortable with it I suppose.

I don’t know as I don’t really know what the threat from Delta is or how long it will maintain. A couple months?

Like I said I don’t agree with the system but everyone will have had the option to get a vaccine very soon and so I don’t see it as an imposition at all. I don’t really have any sympathy for those who choose not to get vaccinated.

Sorry, indoor hospitality. Same response applies.

Travel is separate and you can travel with a test. You can travel with an antigen tests across most of Europe. I think our indoor hospitality rules should operate on the same basis.

But where someone has had the opportunity to get a vaccine and they choose not to take it, they are not being discriminated against, it’s a consequence of their choice. The system does discriminate against young people who have not been offered a vaccine. That’s unfair. But only for a month or two. It’s far from the worst injustice of the pandemic.

As Buddy Holly said in 1957 when he was asked how long he thought long rock ‘n’ roll would last, “probably until the end of the summer”.

Hopefully that’s how it’ll work out anyway. :wink:

Ah yeah it’s all grand. You’ve come full circle. Bravo.

I presume the covid cert doesn’t apply if you’re staying in a hotel?

Could there be a market for anti-vaxxer pubs? “The Cesspit” could do a roaring trade. Glasses would never be washed, toilets wouldn’t flush, no soap, you could even smear shit on the walls to tempt asexual Mama’s boys from the IRA (keyboard division) out of their rooms. Optional tapas of snot. House cocktail called “The Virus”, strictly not delivered via shots. Craft beers available on tap - “Immunity” (a stout with added Vitamin D), “Bacteria” (an English style bitter), and “Let It Rip” (a blend of Buckfast, vodka and lager only served in pint form).

Strictly no lock-ins, ever.

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Get a job, you painful cunt.


Scum commie medical staff tried to persuade this chap suffering from the fake disease caused by the fake virus to go on a ventilator. He rightly exercised freedom and choice over his medical care in the face of disgusting state coercion. Stephen’s funeral details are still to be announced.

Get back to your pointless work, you smelly, useless cunt. You’re disturbing me from watching the Olympics opening ceremony.

What was he doing in the ICU room?