Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I did.

Personally I can’t see any justification for locking up people who have tested negative or have been fully vaccinated, or in many cases, both.

It’s often been the weakest in society that are affected and often at their lowest, and charging them adds insult to injury.

In my view, locking up people who have actually tested negative because they have come from abroad while anyone in the country who tests positive can go about their day infecting as many people as they like, is nonsensical.

It’s further nonsensical when you see that anyone can simply fly from a third country or land into Belfast and pop down if they like.

It certainly doesn’t make sense for the point we are at now.

It really doesn’t make anyone any safer, at all. It’s a stupid, nonsensical and heartless system. I genuinely think it is shameful.


No you didn’t.

Whatever policies were implemented as regards Covid were always going to affect the weakest in society more.

Opening up when it wasn’t safe to do so affected the weakest more.

Didn’t it?

It is shameful. That lady above calling foreign countries “petri dishes” is shameful too

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I didn’t hear her call any country a “petri dish”. You shouldn’t lie. It’s very easy to catch out lies.

Ye have some stamina lads

Ok mate.

Keep the blinkers on.

Gas cunts.

It did. But that’s a different point, the two aren’t related, and one doesn’t justify the other.

But ever since March 2020 the actual outcome in all countries who didn’t close their borders early on has been the same. Endless cycles of lockdowns, curfews, 5km limits, small businesses closed but big ones open, and all other random measures have made no impact on the outcome.

You know what would have made a difference, as the authors of the Barrington declaration advised? Focusing on where the biggest risk actually was, nursing homes and hospitals where the most vulnerable resided. At least half of the deaths in most western countries could have been prevented if proper infectious disease control measures were put in place. Did Ireland do that? Did they fuck, Irish hospitals were riddled with Covid in January 2021, almost a year into the pandemic.

The strategy of locking up the healthy to fight a pandemic was moronic, and did nothing to reduce deaths. The entire focus should have been on how to protect the vulnerable.


It will be surely be of consolation to India that it’s not dangerous to vaccinated people in the UK.

No blinkers needed. It seems fairly obvious to me that she was saying is that situations where a widely spreading variant is allowed to spread widely can constitute an effective petri dish for further variant evolution. And that you should not encourage a variant of concern to spread widely in a place where it previously did not exist in any significant numbers.

But hey, you go on ahead there and mendaciously accuse her of being racist all you like. That’s been one of the go to bad faith escape hatch techniques for the OIUTF crowd, many of whom, ironically, actually do support deeply racist politicians.

I never called her racist, I dont know her from Adam. I’d just be of the opinion that she was using racist language there.

I just find it strange that trying to limit travel was racist in March/April of 2020 and now it’s not.

What the Barrington people wanted was a catastrophe on an unimaginable scale, all for business. They are con artists. Hardly a surprise, the Barrington “declaration” came from a long line of bullshit “declarations” from the sort of people who gave us denialism of the link between smoking and cancer and climate change denialism.

I really don’t get you. Are you saying that Trump’s ban wasn’t racist? Did the courts not decide otherwise? (Not sure about that but there were suits lodged were there not?)

And do the stats, that I know you’re devoted to, not show that the vast majority of terrorist acts in the US over the last 10/15 years were carried out by white, supremacists? And yet, you almost come across as an apologist for those same racists even though you voted for Biden ???

The Barrington people wanted a catastrophe and zero covid is possible in Ireland. Absolute nonsense.


Fuck me are you still backing the authors of the Barrington declaration? Jesus wept, they have been totally discredited. “Protect the vulnerable” is code for “fuck them, I’m gasping for a pint”.

It was quite obvious that Trump brought in bans on flights from China not out of any real desire to stop the virus - it became very apparent very quickly that he no real desire to do so - but out of anti-Chinese racism. You have to look at how the man operates in the round. His past behaviour and his language around Covid are and were deeply racist, calling it the China virus, “kung flu” etc.

Thornberry has no such record. To call what she said there “racist” is ludicrous and clearly bad faith.

I do believe there has been an element of racism not just in this country but worldwide as regards the unequal, seemingly arbitrary application of travel restrictions in general and mandatory hotel quarantine, however. As well as in the dismissal of how countries in Asia were successfully dealing with the pandemic. “They’re different, we can’t do that here”, that sort of stuff.

What about Trump’s EU, Uk and Irish bans? Were they racist?

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