Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It’s not and you know it’s not.

I’ve drawn parallels with Catholic Church in Ireland too. People knew what was happening and said nothing.

Forget Nazism then and focus on why nobody called out Church abuse.

Society is compliant and an individual who called out the Church would quickly be a pariah and cancelled.

As a teacher in 1950s or 1960s Ireland what would have happened to you if you went to police to say a priest was abusing one of your pupils. You’d have a family to feed and said nothing.

That’s one way of looking at it I suppose…most ideal employees from the company’s point of view, are probably just drones and sheep- willing to put up with whatever comes down from perceived authority figures. Making an emergency use therapy compulsory could be a good screening method

Ah that’s much more sensible. Pandemic restriction acceptance is equivalent to church-sponsored child sex abuse

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Again it’s an evil in society, people were terrified of the Church, I make no excuses, but compliance for the common good has happened far more regularly

The common good is subjective and not fixed in time. It evolves.

Common good was Catholicism Common good was restoration of Germany post Versailles humiliation

If you say common good and it’s not challenged then you can do anything. There was a narrative on media here that allowed no contrary view.

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Some real headbanger rhetoric being spouted all across the forum.

This is absolutely mad shit, I’m out,

Nazis and kiddie fiddlers is the best comparison you can make with the current situation

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So you’d have done nothing.

That’s my point.

The data on Covid hospitalisations is a case in point. Nobody was allowed ask or challenge that.

Societies are compliant is my point. Not Nazism or kiddie fiddlers. That’s just an example of it.

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It is truly amazing how some lads here have all the answers. And even more amazing that they do not use these answers in ‘the real world’ to make themselves multi millionaires.

The reality, of course, is that they have been wrong all the way along.

Life is not a video game.

Calm down Toryboy.

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I called for MHQ in March 2020.

Herr Holohan said travel was not an issue. Shortly after he hosted a global anti alcohol conference.

There’s a stable door over there you can close behind you

The difference between me and you is I am
actually intelligent and don’t think in set piece hackneyed phrases in an attempt to show off the lexicon the world missed out on because I write for a provincial newspaper.


That’s a new one?

So are we talking about Nazis and Church child sex abuse again now? And you’re putting those kinds of words in my mouth?

Because I happily got a vaccine and I’m not pissing and whining for 14 hours a day in the internet like some of the heroes we have here?

You’ve done a fair bit of whining and lads were very supportive as I recall

I’m not talking about you. I am describing how society complied and complies and contrarian views are marginalised. Common good is not a fixed concept.

In the 1980s and 90s common good was an argument against divorce and abortion. People who argue for bodily integrity re abortion will not tell people to get a vaccination or else. People should get vaccinated but I find human cognitive dissonance fascinating.

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You said I’d have done nothing, what were you referring to?

You as in teachers in 1960s Ireland who accused a priest of abusing a child would have lost your livelihood. So you’d not have done it
Is my guess.

Anyway I’m signing off.

I wouldn’t give a fuck about my job in that circumstance, don’t put those words in my mouth please

Do you always edit your posts so much?

You tell me I’d ignore child sex abuse and then “sign off’, lovely


Fire up the posts from Jan to March 2020 where you were calling for closing borders and strict travel restrictions, the only measures known to work. The response since then has largely been pissing in the wind and abject failure when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable.

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Mate, do you think anybody pays attention to you and your call for MHQ