Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Being right on the Internet is all that matters mate.


Statistically you would have. How many teachers in 1960s Ireland called out church sex abuse. If enough did it would have stopped.

You are missing my point. People over estimate their own moral courage when viewing historical events with a modem perspective and sensibility. The reality in real time is different. You are just following what I would have expected you to do.

You’re talking to the lad who bravely tore down a sign outside a park while less courageous posters stood idly by. :grinning:

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I did that because I believe that children should never have been discouraged from playing together outside, I do have strong feelings about the ‘rights’ of children.

Which is probably why I don’t take kindly to being told I’d stand idly by in the knowledge that they were being sexually abused, because statistics say so.

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Grand. You’d be different. You’d do what nobody else did.

The hero we needed, but no one wanted

I wanted him to be my hero.

Speak for yourself.

We are all no one

It’s curious how the same people that consistently dismiss the threat and current effect of right wing populism, crypto-fascism and open fascism are always the people that most buy into massive, intricate conspiracy theories and make hilarious comparisons to Nazism.

But shure keep doing ur own resertch in ur trooth seaking kwest anyway, buddy. It’s great entertainment if nothing else.

I detect sarcasm, maybe I’m wrong.

You went down a nasty path there, there was no need to go there, basing my reactions to child sex abuse on my profession, historically or not it wasn’t required

Lads are really on the way to derangement if someone’s opinion on Covid-19 in the 2020s is ‘wrong’ because that person, if a teacher in the 1960s, would supposedly have kept silent about child abuse. Is it any wonder that Q-Anon shite is centred on lunacy about paedophilia?

The level of stupidity and madness is off the charts. I think a lot of people, myself included, need to bid farewell to this topic. It has its fascination – but…

I suppose if you don’t allow yourself to compare California to florida you certainly cant grasp the notion that conservative obedient unshakable mindsets can lead to harm. You’ve illustrated blind wilful obedience perfectly … you won’t listen to an intelligent mature conversation between two highly qualified professionals yet you’re happy to dismiss ivermectin out of hand, and sneer at the notion that it has been used successfully to that an illness for whichyou insist all causes must give way. You’re adamant that 12 year olds must be vaccinated yet when it’s pointed out that the vaccine is probably more harmful than the virus you dismiss such talk as silly.
I’m surprised at you tbh. You an intelligent fella but remind me of local roasters that have never drunk anything other than Jack Daniels and budweiser

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It’s not about you. It’s a wider point about society. I’ll sign out now again.

You made it about me when you said that I @backinatracksuit would have done nothing if I knew of a child being sexually abused

You could have made your point without saying that


It’s a point about compliant societies that go with the flow that is lost on you because it doesn’t fit into a yellow pack set piece phraseology.

See that 400m track.

That’s you.

See me.

I’m Michael Johnson.

And I’m running rings around you.

You can’t base contemporary moral arguments on historical events.

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Yet people doing all the time, especially your left wing fellow travelers.

My left wing what?

Travellers, sulky.

Did you ever consider that the credulous one is you?

“when it’s pointed out that the vaccine is probably more harmful than the virus”: there you have it in a nutshell. You have no basis on which to make this statement. None whatsoever, bar a load of hogwash circulating in the nethers of Twitter. What evidence have you? You want to believe this negativity about the vaccines, because you are anti state action in pretty much all aspects, but wanting to believe something does not make that something correct. Every day, as millions of people people take the vaccines without problem, you are proved ever more wrong. Of course, you can never be wrong, because the ‘truth’ is constantly being ‘covered up’. Which is rather convenient.

You clearly want us to believe you know more about vaccines than the people who have dedicated their professional life to the field, over however many qualifications and countless hours of research. When did you study vaccine-related science? What qualifications did you acquire? Have you a doctorate in a related field? What papers have you published?

Fire ahead with this craic, if you want, but the vast majority of people would regard this craic as delusional. Twitter does not make anyone an expert on anything. All Twitter does is offer ammunition for every crackpot theory out there.

Here is one for you to ponder: why have your supposedly superior insights in Covid-19 availed you naught in practical terms? True insight should put someone ahead of the game.

“blind wilful obedience”… Well, to think of anything more slavish than the idea that Bill Gates is taking over the world would be rather difficult.

Ivermectin has been exposed as a cod. The fact you are so invested in such Twitter-generated shortcut solutions says more than I ever could.

“local roasters”… Says a lot about you and absolutely nothing about me.

You are just a lad on the Internet, just another conspiracy theorist. SĂŠ sin.