Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You would certainly win an awful lot of golds in the Delusion Olympics.

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Iā€™m not left wing. Nor am I rightā€¦ Iā€™m left on some things and right on others. Pigeon holing yourself into a certain ideology is the carry on of weak people.


You wouldnā€™t run a bath

I often wonder is there families in this little country of ours as divided about this as we seem to be here. Is there a civil war going on and we dont even realise.


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Lovely bit of cut in it today, these covid weirdos are nuts

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I doubt it, in The Emerald Isle. The level of vaccine uptake in Ireland answers that question.

Donā€™t make me take you out too. Iā€™ve ended three lads as credible posters already this evening.

Itā€™s lovely to see you mature as a poster and person.

That GIF is a fine graphic representation of the sort of damage your brain has suffered.

To 12-18 year old girls, I read it somewhere that I felt was credible and sincere, certainly more credible and sincere that matt, Robin or simon.

The truth is we donā€™t know the long term effects, auto immune is a huge concern. If you are serious about your statement of what right do we have to impose risk on others, you should be petrified about the risks to children. Could we forgive ourselves if we caused an autoimmune disease pandemic?

Like Geert Vanden Bossche?

Well done, your claims about me have definitely damaged my credibility

Look, we will leave it there.

If nothing else, the constant recurrence to teenage girls is a bit off.

Not about you. Again. The world actually revolves around you in your head.

I hate to go there. But thereā€™s a Carkness you canā€™t overcome.

Look, there are more graceful ways to admit you have no expertise whatsoever about vaccines ā€“ and no evidence whatsoever to support your claim about vaccine harm. But so be it.

We can leave matters there. They are entirely unimportant, as anything by two lads on the Internet nearly always is. Vaccines are here to stay, which or whether. You call it obedience. The vast majority of people, including me, call it rationality.

A load of hyperbolic hysteria dressed up as moral superiority. Iā€™m saying itā€™s an untested vaccine that shouldnā€™t be used on children. I donā€™t bother much with twitter or bill gates, rhats just you falling back on your worn out repertoire of waffle. And what medical qualifications do you have? I didnā€™t realise a medical degree was necessary to have an opinion.

You are perfectly of making comparisons, listening to podcasts and exercising a healthy sceptical of dogma and group think. But you choose not to. Thatā€™s fine also, have at it, sure what could be simpler

Look, you made a claim about me that I donā€™t like, you could have retracted or even (heaven forbid) apologised, but you decided to double down

Now you just want to brush it under the carpet while simultaneously gloating about your great victory


Show us where I claimed expertise. I merely demonstrated that your claim of unanimity in the industry was nonsense. Thereā€™s someone highly regarded with a lifetime of experience. He has several reservations about the nature of the vaccine, the lack of trials and the idea of widely distributing it during a pandemic.
Thatā€™s what happens when you listen to experts. You realise that there is very little consensus within science, if there was it wouldnā€™t be science.