Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Wow. A quick Google search finds an opinion which suits your purpose. Well done

I am not claiming that I know better about Covid-19 vaccines than thousands of highly qualified experts. So my (non existent) professional credentials are irrelevant.

You cannot fend off a pandemic with ā€œopinionā€. This observation is a general truth, generatable by mere intelligence.

Thereā€™s a thread over on reddit with loads of women saying the vaccine is causing havoc with their periods. Might be nothing to it. Iā€™m pro vaccine myself but itā€™s not beyond the realms of possibility that down the road issues may arise. To be putting your faith 100% in big pharma with the history they have would be woeful innocent of lads. Sure only this weak they are all paying out billions in fines for past shenanigans.

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Iā€™ve given you benefit of doubt before but you are getting apoplectic about a hypothetical you in the 1960s based off no teacher doing fuck all in the 60s.

Youā€™d have been different.

This a rabbit hole you are welcome to go down without me.

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You wouldnā€™t take out the bin.

GVB is a huckster and gets skewered in that piece. He is going to provide ā€“ at some point ā€“ a cure all vaccine that will obviate the need for all other vaccines. Sound familiar? Translation: GVB is going to do for vaccines what Ivor Cummins is going to do for diets.

I have always been allergic to hucksters. But I am, what, blind and obedient? Of course.

Not true about Covid-19 vaccines. There is overwhelming agreement that the rapidity with which successful vaccines were produced is extraordinary.

A few hucksters such as GVB are irrelevant.

So you have full faith in the integrity of pfizer and the rest of the pharma companies?

Sorry. We must all suspend all such logic and caution while we fight off this pandemic which requires censorship, coercion, threats and inflated statisticsā€¦and an app to tell us weā€™re sick

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Thatā€™s great buddy. Point me to one of your experts which can inform us of the long term side effects on children in particular

Itā€™s amazing how so many of those who tell us to ā€œfollow the moneyā€ refuse to actually follow the money, and instead blindly follow grifters who are out to con the easily led out of their money - like preachers on the Old Time Gospel Hour, as somebody once said.

I do not deal in absolutes such as ā€œfull faithā€. Those sort of terms strike me as childish.

I live in the real world. Mass vaccination, when the topic is calmly and rationally considered, is the least worst option. If secondary school pupils are not vaccinated, there will continue to be a massive structural problem in societyā€™s attempt to renormalize.

End of. I have no love of Big Pharma ā€“ but there it is: the real world.

You are very much against this principle when it concerns lockdowns.

Surely if these vaccines were as good as suggested once the elderly and vulnerable are done, whats the problem?

Out of interest would you be pro vaxxing kids as young as 6 months old to protect the double jabbed 77 year olds you mentioned earlier today?

Ffs. Now wonder you scratched florida out of your atlas.

giphy (31)

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If you are as well informed as you claim to be in the area, why would you need me to point you anywhere?

Besides, as already pointed out, you were perfectly happy to accept risk when it was the most vulnerable in society who were the ones most in line for risk. The issue of risk bothered you not a whit in that context. So your current rather forced concern for ā€œchildrenā€, where risk is concerned, strikes me as rather contradictory and even hypocritical.

And: ā€˜sure why would any of us be bothered with a little bit of oul riskā€¦ Sure arenā€™t you at risk any time you sit into the oul carā€¦ā€™ Remember that craic?

Look, fuck off. You are a creep. I sort of feel I should spray the screen with Dettol.

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I am not someone who thinks a place where they can grow oranges is of much relevance to Termonfeckin.