Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Lads touching elbows.

They then take mask off and sit in beside each other for a few beers

It’s an airborne virus lads

Intercounty managers fist-bumping at the final whistle and then slapping each other on the backs and roaring into each other’s faces.


Where was this now?

Makey uppy time

Look, passive aggressive whimsy is not my bag, any more than running references to teenage girls.

You got this issue entirely wrong from the start. Now you simply do not want to admit as much. The OIUTF contingent professed to believe this virus could be held at bay by all sorts of airy fairy stuff (as per GBD), that society could renormalize without lockdowns and shutdowns and vaccines. Nonsense – and culpable nonsense, at that.

As of now, mass vaccination is the only game in town. People who claimed from the start that restarting normal economic activity was the be all and end all – more important even than protecting vulnerable people – are now curiously shy about restarting normal economic activity. These people effectively now want us to stay in restrictions. Curious and curiouser… But not really if people believe conspiracy theories.

Minority irrationalism cannot hold majority rationalism to ransom. You are on the wrong side of history. I wish you and yours no ill whatsoever but you will have to live with not getting vaccinated, if so you decide. Piggy backing on other people’s rationality only goes so far.

No. Wakey uppy time.

Gawd help us but you’re an awful case, while being the best of a chap. Sure we’ll leave it there for tonight. I’ve been right about everything enough for one night, any more and I’ll start to bore myself

Hilarious to see it finally mentioned. The HSE didn’t ask for it apparently.

You’d imagine an interested modeller might want to know that detail but no need. :grinning:

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The Fear index

Deputy CMO Ronan Glynn taking about misinformation this evening. Isnt he married to an RTE newsreader?


Good night.

I put on Alfred Deller and I am immediately zen:

Alfred Deller, Feste's song 'Hey, Ho, the wind and the rain'. - YouTube

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Rory Coveney brother of Simon is head of RTE. Sorry, director of strategy. His own term.

No conflicts of interest there of course.

Yerrah like a family most people are marginal sides of the middle, happy to engage in the over and back. But you’ll have a drunk uncle taking it to extreme on one side and a moody opinionated college student making a stand on the other.

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Ye are gas men. I wish I had the time and motivation to give hours daily arguing on the INTERNET

These debates will surely be archived in the National library some day for posterity


Artificial Intelligence will be along in ten years to keep the discussion board flag flying

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Hot off the press

I stayed with my cousin in Sligo 2 nights ago on my cycle tour and she was mental, she made me wear my mask at all times indoors.

I just complied and didn’t bother discussing it with her, it was her house. Then we stayed up late having a great aul chat to the small hours and I nearly forgot I was wearing it.

Its a fucking draft