Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A lot of posts on the thread have come straight from various posteriors.

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Thats about the one thing each and every contributor can cling to at this point


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Fairplay to them for this in fairness.

Translation - fuck off and dont be annoying us :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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What will your approach be @Lazarus

That’ll learn them


I plan on selling as many pints as possible during Raceweek.


Proper order puck em out

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I will be the Limerick hurling of pubs, if that means playing on the edge so be it. The results will speak for themselves :nigeria:


Sincerely best of luck with it pal.

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Country’s fucked lads regardless of your opinion on how covid is being handled

The rewards will be great

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That’s a very negative attitude Dougal

Drive it on lads


Headbangers. A moderate discussion is needed about the vaccine passport. You lose once you deny that covid exists or claim vaccines don’t work

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Mad cunts.

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These lads would turn up at anything that gets them a bit of attention. If it wasn’t COVID it would be something else they would hijack.

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