Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

What threat are the un-vaxxed to the vaxxed? I think most un-vaxxed are morons but being a moron doesnā€™t mean you should be a pariah

Noā€¦you were saying the vaccinated would only be safe if they clung together and no-one else was allowed near them

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I think youā€™re mixing me up with someone else.

Heā€™s not the brightest tbf. He takes his directives from others.

Says the flat eather :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The vaxxed are now a bigger threat to the unvaxxed than vica versa. A lot of vaxxed acting irresponsibly as if they canā€™t transmit the virus. Thereā€™s a new mask mandate indoors in LA for everyone vaxxed or not.

Well. Itā€™s brilliant if the vulnerable are no longer in dangerā€¦hopefully that will be enough for the scaremongering to stop- its taken a lot out of susceptible lads

I donā€™t think a single person on here thought the vaccinated were in danger from the great unwashed ā€¦ Thereā€™s some really stupid people posting hereā€¦ The danger is the unvaxxed getting sick and imposing themselves on the rest of usā€¦

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Calm down dear.

All joking aside, do you predict any repercussions due to vaccinating during a pandemic?

Can you flesh that out a bit?

Those with weak immune systems are in danger from any source of infection which could be a vaccinated or unvaccinated individual.

Youā€™d have to presume 99.9% of these people wonā€™t be sitting in pubs slobbering all over themselves after a rake of pints.

Youā€™d hope not.

I read somewhere that there a few scenarios which would lead to vaccine resistant strains. One being that as people built up immunity some would inevitably encounter the virus. This would enable the vaccine to develop ways to evade the vaccineā€¦at leisure so to speak.

The virus will continue to mutate and vaccines will have to be tweaked to better match new variants. Same as the annul flu vaccines. But eventually everyone will get infected vaccinated or not. I think itā€™s 2/3 of India have antibodies already.

Yes, though I expect to see natural immunity being rubbished over the coming weeks

What do you think youā€™re vaccinated against?

There will come a point where we need to return to normal. Itā€™ll never be 100% safe

Correct. Letā€™s do what we can bit by bit to get there as safely as possibleā€¦ The vaccine greatly reduces the chances of serious illnesses.

It does. It should be made available to anyone who wants it and as quickly as possible