Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

100%. And to mitigate risk we need to reduce the chances of the unvaxxed contracting the virus as best we can until they can get the vaccineā€¦the last thing we want now is a huge jump in hospital numbers and deaths when we are so close to getting back to a decent level of normality.

Close everything so

no, open everything like England, let it rip and dies out very quickly


Thatā€™s a bit sillyā€¦ Weā€™re on about mitigating risk as best possible while trying to open upā€¦ I think nearly 80% of the adult population has had at least one dose by nowā€¦ With your over dramatic reaction weā€™d get no where.

Iā€™d be in favour of opening everything

That should happen very soonā€¦ Only people refusing the vaccine might slow it down

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Dublin airport yesterday was fcukin rammed ā€¦some Change from this time last year when it was a ghost town and all shops closed ā€¦

Itā€™s not even close to be being rammed. Itā€™s barely at 20% of what it was this time in 2019


Terminal one was very busy

Itā€™s only those that are foredeck tuggers and lockdown forever merchants. Most normal people here will be wishing the UK all the best and hope they succeed because it will mean the government here having to open up as there will be no more excuses for them. Holohan will then have to face questions over cervical check.

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When will the next variant drop?

When it gets close to were the government have to lift all restrictions another variant will appear as if by magic. Like Tony saving a few deaths in his back pocket to produce when he wanted to extend lockdowns.

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See in Israel theyā€™re claiming Pfizers efficacy is down to 39% now. As Ive said all along - this winter will tell a lot with those MRNA vaccines. Fingers crossed they do work.

Worth keeping an eye on the one in Greece this next week or so. Thereā€™ll articles warning about all the travellers from there bringing the new dirtier Covid in.

Dirty bustards. Wonder when we will see the magaluff variant coming about. I reckon that one could be the dirtiest and nastiest of them all.

Pfizer is not worth a curse. AZ is the rolls Royce of vaccines. Paddy would be taking it by the gallon only that French pervert macron badmouthing it, cases are plummeting in England because of AZ

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Youā€™ll need a booster every 6 months at a minimum for the Pfizer jab it seemsā€¦ Not a bad business model for their company and investors to be fair.

Realistically when the aul flu returns it could put the cat amongst the pigeons.


Thereā€™s reports of people in the 18-34 age range getting enlarged heartā€™s from that Pfizer muck

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Leo Leo Leo

The Examiner had this last week Iā€™m fairly sure.