Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Lads cover their ears when Texas and Florida are mentioned. Always deflecting.


That’s a meaningless post.

In recent times? What about over the whole pandemic. On the basis on how florida never shut down they should all be dead and piled on top of each other. The death rate isn’t too much different almost statistically insufficient. Lockdowns and zero covid are an absolute cod that have no real benefit.

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Don’t mention sweden

Like most of your’s tonight, and on this subject in general


Recent times is the relevant time frame. The argument of you and others is that there is no difference between Texas, Florida and other states over the last number of weeks. But California currently has a considerably lower death rate than Texas and Florida. So there clearly is a difference.

Why not the whole pandemic back to last March? Flordia never shut.

Leveraging off the recent changeable weather and the unsure summer holiday plans

I’m taking up your argument that there is no difference currently between Texas, Florida and other states currently. But there is, the stats show that. You can’t just run away from the argument you were making.

Florida’s death count is if anything ticking up. 89 deaths the latest daily figure.

Did you read the USA today article states californa had a higher death rate upto 22nd april

California is also doing much better when it comes to driving down infections. The state’s seven-day average is 52.7 cases and 1.8 deaths per 100,000 as of April 15, with a seven-day average positivity rate of 1.5%. Texas, meanwhile, is at 73.3 cases and 1.5 deaths per 100,000, with a seven-day average positivity rate of 7%.

Florida famous for people retiring, being right wing nut jobs (leaning towards anti vax) and an incredibly obese population.

Deal with my point. The argument made here was that Texas and Florida are currently doing no different to other US states. This is not the case.

If you look at the latest daily death figure, Florida has 89. It has averaged 60 a day for the last week. The US has averaged 579 deaths per day over the past week.

Florida has a population of 21 million, the US has 330 million. So Florida is clearly accounting for a much outsized proportion of US deaths currently.

Whatever happened to “focussed protection”? Looks like it was a crock.

Their not doing no better and that’s the point. States with heavy restrictions like californa, which would be similar to what we have here have the same outcomes. So with the same outcomes what is the benefits of zero covid, MHQ and lockdowns? Bar political gain in claiming to care for others.

Focused protection has been achieved. The vulnerable are vaccinated sure wasn’t that the goal circa May 2020?


Tony is now a demi god who can control the weather and the fear index of Brenda.

Tomas Ryan was on the Dunphy podcast the last day after a bit of a break away. More or less had to admit when pressed by Dunphy (for once) that his predictions of carnage from reopening the schools hadn’t come to pass. So his hit rate of getting everything right is certainly dropping by the week.


Prime Dunphy wouldn’t tolerate nightclubs being closed. Age is a terrible thing


He’s scared out of his wits

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