Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A bit of back of napkin maths…
In descending order of deaths per million

Swe - 3.8
Fla - 2.8
Tur - 2.7
Ita - 2.7
Ger - 2.7
Bel - 2.3
Fra - 2.2
Tex - 1.4

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Dunphy sitting in his Ranelagh pile terrified of his own mortality and leading ISAG press conferences was a low point.


Thats a fact

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A 75 year old afraid of getting Covid, what an absolute pussy!

Florida, Texas and Sweden put the Covid mentallers in a tailspin.

If you’re quoting covid deaths please put some context around it and refer to deaths from covid and with covid. Refer to excess deaths over a period of time, total deaths for the referenced location and period and average age of deaths along with comorbidities.

If you can’t, you’re not dealing in reality and fact and should be readily dismissed like the lunatic you are.


Zero Covid has morphed into zero death. If we can get Covid deaths down to zero we have defeated death. It’s a truly strange place some people have found themselves.


Wanting society closed down completely in case some new variant emerges as a precaution. It’s a bizarre attitude

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To think the human race survived the Black Death, smallpox, the Spanish flu, two world wars and England winning a World Cup.


Lolz. Sweden Sweden… no wait India India… erm no Texas Texas, Florida, Florida.

I think lockdowns will cause conditions far worse than the pandemic ever could. No I’ve no data on this whatsoever but I just feel empowered to say it


The RTÉ news thread has “Limerick is Riddled” as it’s lead story. What’s going on chaps?

: I’m paraphrasing

They don’t seem to be publishing that county league table anymore?

There were 46 cases here last Thursday. That seems to be the sum total of it

The black death killed a third of the population of Europe. Within 3 days of infection you were dead. Its killed people off all ages.

Meanwhile we have a virus that kills 0.03% of the people who catch it, mainly people over 70 or with Co morbidities and a very small number of outliers.

We are a soft society to worry so much about “deadly” disease. 20/30 years ago it would have been small news maybe face coverings and masks would have been advised


Limerick bashing. Someone coin covid city?

Over 300 posts :laughing:

It’s done lads, the vulnerable are vaccinated.

Lock the thread.


There is a serious want in binary thinkers to have their beliefs reinforced as the absolute truth. It is the ultimate form of insecurity.

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Lads are tied into it now, there’s no going back. This will haunt them their entire lives.

What percentage would have to die before you’d bring in restrictions and how many fatalities would that be?

“Meanwhile, the daily number of confirmed cases of the virus in Limerick City and County increased rapidly from 11 last Sunday to 46 on Thursday - a 320% increase in four days”

It’s all gone to shite in Limerick since @backinatracksuit tore down that sign.

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