Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The pro-lockdown crew dont care about cancer services

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Sadly, your own needs to luxury items trump basic decency. There’s a trend developing in your selfish behaviour.

I think both should be opened up pretty quickly and one shouldn’t be measured against the other. The timeframes being suggested (i.e. July for flights and indoor dining etc) seem already to contain plenty of the “abundance of caution” that is perceived as some sort of virtue so presuming trajectories of vaccines etc stays as predicted there should be no reason for the opening of both to go ahead.

It’s you who seem to think it’s either/or.

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I would agree with that.

Glas has been very pro lockdown domestically when lobbying for people to be allowed travel freely which is the definition of hypocrisy.

This post is as incoherent as your general argument.

How so?

Have you seen the stipulations on the hospitality sector, on the entertainment sector, on the sports sector etc.

These businesses are going to struggle with these restrictions in place so why should travel be opened up so freely when apparently it’s the variants we need to be so worried about.

It’s contradictory and I can’t understand how people are not seeing this.

It’s very coherent.

It references you grandstanding about vaccine thieves before you went and jumped the queue yourself. You’re extremely self centred, a narcissist.

You want to help the hospitality and entertainment sectors by keeping international travel closed?


Agreed. It is and you don’t.


You want them to remain restricted and at limited capacity as you go and spend your money in other countries.

You’re a traitor.

Do you know where these sectors get their revenue from at all?

Are you going to continue ignoring that they are having their business restricted by measures designed to fight the spread of the virus whilst the govt are then considering relaxing rules for free travel which will have the opposite effect?

What I am getting at is are you genuinely stupid or just pretending to be?

Incorrect. I explained this to @Horsebox already. The OIUTF crew are happy for people to die of Covid but not cancer.

It’s the other way around actually.

The LIDTF people are happy for people to die of anything as long as it’s not Covid.

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

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It’s pretty straight forward. It happened in the US, Italy, Spain, the UK, Brazil and is happening now in India (a place you thought were done with Covid). Allowing a virus like Covid free rein has a devastating effect on health systems.

You didn’t answer my question.

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?


Your line of thinking is frazzled.

Cat got your tongue??

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

Do you want a list or something? What a bizarre question.

Why can’t you answer it?

It’s a simple question. Have you something to hide?

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

Here look it, I can’t help you if you’re breathlessly hanging on George Lee’s every doom-laden report