Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

100% of cases outside China can be traced back to international travel.


President Trump tried to curtail travel from there.

He didnā€™t try very hard.

Sure twas racist

The virus was endemic in Europe. Itā€™s moot.

You crazy bastard.

@Tim_Riggins aviation-heavy portfolio must have taken another hit. Holohan can be blamed for a lot but the decision not to diversify enough is a bit of a stretch.

Irelandā€™s decision on aviation make little difference to global aviation portfolios. All it does is harm the Irish economy but it does at least keep the xenophobic Irish feeling safer.

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What is? You think a country of 5m makes much of a difference to global aviation portfolios?

All self imposed damaged to aviation in Ireland does is harm Ireland and its citizens. It appeals to simpletons who get upset when a few thousand travellers are reported coming from Brazil by the terrified Irish media.

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Yeah weā€™re so xenophobic that for the first year of this pandemic we allowed anyone in to the country from all over the world and gave them a leaflet while everyone in Ireland was told to stay with 5km of their home.

Fuck it, I have the fire lit here lads.


Which is quite irrelevant to the point. It is quite bizarre how comfortable many Irish people are, they seem to think that planes are all about holidays. They also seem to think just because you have travelled that you are like the Freemasons and have access to all sorts of things in Ireland that the 5km class donā€™t. Weird.

The introduction of MHQ in Ireland was xenophobic and racist. The opposition parties all dog whistling about Brazilians. The public health lunatics who donā€™t care about Ireland overall arenā€™t racist and wanted it for all, no question. But most Irish wanted it because they blamed meat plant workers and Deliveroo drivers. The reaction to the inevitable hard cases in MHQ and calls to water it down show most had no idea what they were calling for.


Nothing to do with Tony Holohan as you mentioned.

In fact, Iā€™ll give NPHET some props as they even said that India does not have a VOC. The xenophobic and racist Irish though wanted India on the list because of their dirty Covid. Send a few ventilators to make themselves feel better though. Live Aid mentality again.

Aviation is back in action in the US with bookings through the roof. If Ireland are still in turmoil about dirty foreigners coming here it wonā€™t have much impact on global aviation.


They wont be happy till the Indians are back dying of TB and malnutrition like they were before

Thatā€™s a terrible day out there.

The only deaths they care about are the oneā€™s that can be categorised as covid. No other deaths matter to them. Strange folk!

Itā€™s another thing to pretend to care about.

Itā€™s not time to make a change
Just relax, take it easy
Youā€™re still young thatā€™s your fault
Theres so much you need to know
Find a girl settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old
But Iā€™m happy