Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

But it is.

The rationale behind the restrictions are the risk of spreading Covid.

Yet they are enabling something with a far greater chance of spreading Covid at the same time. The domestic economy and society should take precedent.

17% of people living in Ireland are not born here, and 17% of people born in Ireland live abroad.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy wants to deny both sets of people the opportunity to undertake essential travel to see their family or loved ones.

This position doesn’t affect Fulvio, he can travel internationally across the border with northern Ireland and back as much as he likes. Fulvio is a hypocrite.

Fulvio doesn’t have any compassion for other people that need to travel internationally because they are foreigners. Fulvio is a racist.

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They’re not open.

What essential travel?

You’re being manipulative again just how you skirted the system to steal a vaccine ahead of more vulnerable people.

You are such a self centred little bully.

I think we urgently need to define what essential travel is. It’s one of those “the people of Ulster” type phrases.

They’re going to have to operate with severe restrictions for the rest of the year under the rationale of stopping the spread of the virus - meanwhile you want these businesses to suffer because you can indulge yourself with a holiday.


It’s not relevant really, we can just allow all travel to and from safe regions. That makes sense. The digital cert will add a further layer of protection.

In addition to severe restrictions you want to reduce their revenue by 75%?

You don’t have much of a head for business do you?

I think we urgently need to define what “safe regions” means.

Should Ireland close the border with Northern Ireland @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy?

Wrong I want to prioritise domestic business and organisations ahead of selfish, entitled little people like you going off and spending your money in other countries and risking the importation of new variants back in the country.

No. It’s a land border.

They should find some common arrangement on travel.

Wherever Glas wants to indulge himself on an unnecessary holiday.

To be fair to the UK.

They are not spiting domestic economy and society for foreign travel like Ireland are intending to do.

So your position is nonsensical.

You can currently travel to NI and fly to Portugal for example. The U.K. are opening up airspace, as are the rest of Europe.

The policy is nonsensical and just damages Irish business. I’m sure you’re aware of the number of southern registration in plates heading north over the last couple of weeks - social media has been plastered with young Irish heading up there to have a good time. They will do the same with travel.

Unless you are proposing the shutting of the NI border, your argument holds no water here.

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My position is this.

There should be a common arrangement north and south. That is not nonsensical, it is what should happen.

Instead the govt intend of restricting business and society under the guise of keeping the virus down and opening up foreign travel which poses far more danger to this.

What other country is doing this at present? The UK and US will have their countries nearly fully opened by the time widespread foreign travel resumes.

Horse before the cart. If you guys can’t see it then you must have been born stupid.

The U.K. have a travel list and removed the fine for travel.

The U.K. economy is not open in full.

It’s also a different point. All of the European nations are on similar levels of vaccination. The countries that surged ahead like the U.K. and US were at a different place.

Completely wrong. Travel in the UK is restricted currently.

From June 21 society will be more or less back to normal in the UK.

But your position holds no water if the north will not align.

That’s the reality.

All you are arguing here is that you want travel shut down in principle, because under your own argument the border should stay open. People will do what they do and look for freedoms elsewhere. It’s utterly pointless otherwise.

Just as a point of note, not all travel is holidays. A substantial amount relates to either business travel or non-holiday personal travel