Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The reality is you are talking out of your arse.

Iā€™m saying what should not happen because what is happening is what Iā€™m criticising.

My argument here, which you are clearly not getting, is that foreign travel should not be reopened until such a stage that the domestic economy and society is operating freely. Doing it the other way around is beyond stupid and that seems to be what youā€™re arguing.

Flights to Portugal have literally just resumed from Belfast due to the easing of travel restrictions

Unless you are advocating for a hard border, your position here holds no water. People from the south will travel north and fly from there.

We can deal with reality or make believe here. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Ah yes, business travel when companies are being restricted to their footfall, people are being instructed to WFH and other remain out of work. Youā€™ve just proven yourself how ridiculous your whole argument is.

Fuck sake. Iā€™ve already addressed that. Can you not read.

There should be alignment between north and south on travel.

The reality here is that stupid decisions are being made that should not be and youā€™re all for them.

This sounds like an ā€œI know you are but what am Iā€ style of argument that Sidney engaged in.

Flights are going from Belfast to Portugal now with the fines removed. People from the south will transit through there unless you advocate for a hard border. Itā€™s pretty simple.

But thatā€™s not possible. So in the absence of that, what is your position?

This argument can easily be stopped by opening up fully. 2.5 vaccinations given with 50% of the population with at least 1 dose. Its done.

Dissolve this dail session, disband nphet and overhaul the hse to provide healthcare rather than waste money on advisers and media appearances

Your argument is circular. Things should stay closed because things are closed.

The inability to travel has been damaging to many businesses - particularly for companies that export a lot and rely on travel to secure more business and meet the needs of their existing clients.

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Your whole argument is completely idiotic.

Until such time as domestic society is open and free then foreign travel should not be considered.

You on the other hand think that businesses and employment are inferior to your need for a holiday.

That is the reality of your utterly moronic argument.

Itā€™s not and you must be incredibly dim to think that.

Anything but circular, itā€™s hierarchical.

Until such time as the domestic economy and society has significantly opened up, then foreign travel should not be in discussion.

Thatā€™s not circular, it prioritizes domestic issues first.

But again, people will fly via the North, a border you say should stay open?

Given we are not aligned, what is your proposal?

PTSD alert

Alignment is my proposal. Finding a common agreement is my proposal.

Until such time as the domestic economy and society has been opened up then travel should not be considered.

If they are worried about the virus so much as to limit companies and domestic society then itā€™s idiotic to open free travel. It makes zero logical sense.


Do you remember your idiotic arguments a few months back on why lockdowns must stay but we should all be allowed to travel where we like.

Thatā€™s the level of simple you bring to discussions on here.

This is quite odd.

In this scenario- where the North are not aligned and have a different policy that means people can travel abroad and there is nothing the Irish Government can do, your first wish is for alignment on travel?

Because surely your first though here in overturning their policy and looking for alignment- would be a United Ireland?

The variant arguement is a cod. The vaccine trumps every variant of concern. It grabs them by pussy and fucks them to death. All hail science.

Of course.

Itā€™s an island and it concerns foreign travel. The fact that you think that would be odd shows the lack of basic sense you bring to this discussion.

As David Davis said.

They hopefully will do in time.

Thereā€™s still a window of a few months at least where variants have scope to do significant damage.

Why would it be travel?

In your make believe scenario, your first wish would be for Belfast to ground flights to Portugal and reinstate fines? Why not a UI? Are you not a Republican?