Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We haven’t been very open and international over the last 14 months.

I largely agree with @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy here. I think you’d need your head examined to be travelling internationally this summer. I honestly don’t see why anybody would want to.


Won’t doesn’t make something right.

What’s the point in arguing about something that won’t happen? Sure it’s easy to say the whole island should have had the same strategy from the start, I think everybody would agree with that. It was never going to happen so there’s no point going on about it

It’s what should have happened.

Should we just say nothing about things we disagree with anymore?

Foreign travel taking priority over the domestic economy and society is mental and that’s what I’m criticising.

If you’re fully vaccinated you should be under no restrictions.

Can fully vaccinated people contract the virus and pass it on?

A lot of things should happen. There’s no point in saying anything about things that were never going to happen. At least Sid has said he thinks the border should have been closed

But it’s not happening, as you stated yourself.

And as I said to you, given that you are in the land of make believe, it’s odd that your first wish wasn’t a UI.

Well that is the sort of attitude that ensures something will never be rectified.

It could be done and should be done but the incompetent FS govt and the DUP were the issue.

Bizarre. Do you realise there’s a pandemic going on?

You’re a visionary, imagine thinking we should have had a shared approach on the island of Ireland. How did nobody else ever think of this?

Yet you want foreign travel completely reopened.

You’re an imbecile.

You’re the one who thinks any talk about it should be suppressed.

All data to date suggests they cannot.

Yeah, but zero coviders like you and Fulvio are mental.

You’re the first to rightly say that SF have no real power up north whenever some law is passed so to blame the Irish government is very hypocritical

Can you please list all this data?



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