Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You said that all data shows that vaccines are 100% effective at stopping contraction and transmission. That’s not true.

I am against foreign travel taking precedent over domestic society and the economy. Why are you continually trying to misrepresent what I’m for or against.

Seriously? Massive lack of empathy on display in that post.

All the data suggests that is true. No data to suggest it’s not true. But then you like to adopt positions based on “no data to support this but

Anyway enjoy walking the road to Damascus. We’ll be here when you get here.

Not everyone is as selfish or entitled as you are.


From the guy who is happy to travel internationally but won’t allow others to do so.

How very racist and hypocritical of you.

I haven’t engaged in any foreign travel.

Your white male privilege is coming to the fore again.

They take about 5 hours to get result

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There’s literally no data to suggest that vaccines are 100% effective. All data suggests 100% that they are broadly effective and that everybody should get vaccinated. There’s a difference in the meaning of those two statements.

You’ll never get data that says it’s 100% effective. It’ll greatly reduce risk.

They are enough to open society back up which is badly needed at this stage

How? I agree with Fulvio on one main point and that is that it is much more important we prioritise our internal economy re-opening than prioritising foreign holidays.

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Well obviously.

But again, I am asking you why are you arguing the point when you admit it won’t happen?

You have stated your blame to the Irish Government and the DUP, however you must also blame SF who support the Digital Green Cert.

Given the above factors, I don’t see what you are arguing here. You are talking about “common sense” but seem to want to dismiss that. Why not get on board like Sinn FĂ©in have with things like the Digital Green Cert? Nonsensical approach here.

We’re back to peak covid posting levels here - a very worrying development.


The point I’m arguing is that foreign travel should not be considered until such time as the domestic economy or society is open and running again and there is no sign of that so I think this decision by government is insanity.

I would go as far as to say it’s a real kick in the teeth for small business owners and organisations in the hospitality, retail, entertainment, arts and sporting sectors that they continue to be punished with restrictions limiting their businesses and organisations under the guise of curtailing the virus when they allow foreign travel which poses a greater threat, to happen.

You can’t debate that point so continue to focus on other things and misrepresent my argument.

Dont lads know its over?

So what’s your point? Stay under the bed indefinitely?

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I know it’s over - still I cling
I don’t know where else I can go

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But you seem to not want to consider it on a point of principle, rather than common sense. You have admitted that a common approach with NI is not going to happen and people can’t travel from there if they so wish.

Are you saying that Sinn FĂ©in are unprincipled given their own support of the DGC?