Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

My points are very easy to understand but thanks for misrepresenting them as you have done for the last month in the absence of actual arguments against them.

Yeah as I said.

You are not debating the point I made because you can’t.

So you can keep on making a fool of yourself with your deflection tactics if you wish.

Freedom is almost upon us. The OIUTF are reaching out for it. The LIDTF crew are terrified. Fellas are on edge here


You are saying that SF are giving a “kick in the teeth” to small business owners given they support the DGC?

I don’t understand? Is the vaccine a cod? Is Al the evidence wrong?

This was the post I made and you are desperately trying to avoid having to contend anything in it.

The point I’m arguing is that foreign travel should not be considered until such time as the domestic economy or society is open and running again and there is no sign of that so I think this decision by government is insanity.

I would go as far as to say it’s a real kick in the teeth for small business owners and organisations in the hospitality, retail, entertainment, arts and sporting sectors that they continue to be punished with restrictions limiting their businesses and organisations under the guise of curtailing the virus when they allow foreign travel which poses a greater threat, to happen.

You can’t debate that point so continue to focus on other things and misrepresent my argument.

This post is a bit of a mess.

The simple fact here is that SF support the DGC.

In that scenario, it would appear that SF are aligned with the Irish Government. The Unionists are following the U.K. approach on travel which is also to reopen over the course of the next month.

You have described that as a kick in the teeth, but it’s a kick in the teeth from all major parties north and south. Maybe PbP or the wokesters in the Soc Dems don’t support it, I’m not sure.

Please quote where I’ve ever once remotely implied vaccines were a “cod”.

It does get a wee bit frustrating when people post in the style of a Twitter bot with a telephone number in their handle.

It’s not a mess but it does highlight how incapable you are of tackling it.

You know that I’m right and you’re trying to avoid having to make a fool out of yourself contending anything that is said on it. Odd that you have taken such painful issue with my stance and then spent your afternoon debating everything and anything but it.

Again, this kind of trite comment shows a massive lack of empathy.

We live in a jurisdiction on an island where at least 17% of inhabitants are immigrants, and where 17% of the people born on in the jurisdiction live abroad. We position ourselves as the most open and international economy in the world.

In that context, to suggest travel is something frivolous, equates to “prioritising foreign holidays” is either really disingenuous or really ignorant.

It’s the kind of attitude that middle Ireland Fianna Fáil voters come out with, “lock up foreign people, it’s their fault that there’s covid.”


Sorry but that’s complete bollocks.

A number of really disingenuous narratives have been spread shamelessly over the course of this pandemic.

The first one I can remember is the one spread by some Fine Gael hangers on that the decline in A and E numbers in March 2020 somehow “proved” that people - presumably poor people - had been “abusing” the A and E services.

Then there was the bad faith “open up the economy for mental health” narrative.

Then there was the “let Covid rip to improve cancer services” narrative.

Now it’s the “if you want to keep variants out you’re a racist” narrative.

The disingenuous arguments are really depressing actually.

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It’d be funny if it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately it is true. The Gript-ification of public comment.

I don’t understand your view point so far the vaccines have been shown to stop variants, transmission, severity of illness etc. So why are we waiting until we are close to 100% vaccinated? The vulnerable are protected

If you’d look around you, we aren’t waiting. Non-essential retail is open. Go down to Shop Street and you’ll see Anthony Ryan’s open, I presume Arnott’s and the like are open in Dublin. I believe it’s too soon for that, we risk a backslide into the 3-4k or more case numbers because there aren’t that many people vaccinated. I would have been happy to wait another 6 to 8 weeks so that we achieve real critical mass with vaccinations and greatly lessen the chance of a backslide and a reversal of the lifting of restrictions. So that when we lift restrictions we do it right and do it for good.

I cannot understand why experts who are urging caution are being dismissed.

I will retire from the forum if there is over 1000 cases per day. I feel sorry for you living in so much fear.

If you have learnt nothing from the last year, experts are only bullshitting as much as the rest of us.

We can be zero too


Great stuff.

I am just pointing out how nonsensical it is given what you yourself have admitted.

I think it’s fairly obvious who have been proven to be the bullshitters. They are unfortunately the people whose views have got by far the most traction on this forum, which is why the majority of comment on this forum over the last year has been so misinformed and flat out wrong.