Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You have sought to argue something other than what I stated since the get go.

Air travel should not trump the domestic economy and society but that looks to be exactly that the govt are doing.

Perfect example with the UK there, full house in Wembely before they have travel fully reopened. Meanwhile Ireland are doing it arseways.

A real forward thinking country up there with sweden

The bullshiters who used bad data and lies to drive public policy for zero covid? Who would not allow scrutiny and questioning of the data?

The experts who urged caution and patience have been largely vindicated. The experts who backed the OIUTF stance have been totally discredited and are thankfully silent this last while.

I think we know who was using bad data. And it wasnā€™t those advocating for Zero Covid.

I again refer you to this tweet. These are the nonsense OIUTF arguments that were ten a penny here for the last year.

Itā€™s done. The thick paddys are always last to realise


Think you got discredited today when it was pointed out you have no issue with hundreds lying on hospital trolleys when it was flu seaosn.

Thatā€™s incorrect.

The U.K. have removed the illegality to travel abroad.

People have been travelling abroad on holidays for 8 days now, with the blessing of their government.

The DGC is not ā€œtravel fully reopenedā€.

Michael Levitt, Sunetra Gupta, David Quinn, Ivor Cummins, Graham Neary. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Coronaviruses cannot mutate, this is all a scam by Big Pharma to sell vaccines.

The ā€œDone With Covidā€ hall of shame.

Killeen and Ryan have been caught lying. Holohans lies in the past have caused many deaths. Mcdonkey is away with the fairies. Fergeson is the UK again proven to be lying. How is telling the truth?

Travel is still heavily restricted in the UK.

Has she taken I to account that over 50% of hospital cases were acquired in the hospital settimg? Due to terrible virus control. Thatā€™s not something new in ireland

And travel would be heavily restricted in Ireland under the DGC.

It is only a fraction of the countries of the world.

The facts are that the U.K. allow people to go abroad again to travel, with restrictions. The DGC also allows that, with restrictions. SF support this.

You are celebrating Wembley being full capacity in one months time, apparently reopening travel and things like stadiums can go hand in hand with one another.

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Brits can only travel to Portugal and Iceland without the need to self isolate on return.

Things are still very heavily restricted so you are trying to paint a very inaccurate picture. The Brits are getting ready for nightclub openings and full stadiums in less than a month so they are quite clearly prioritsing their own domestic economy and society ahead of foreign travel. Saying anything that contends that is a lie.

But shure youse lot told us that wouldnā€™t happen, that the notion that rise in community spread meant it would spread in hospitals was ā€œscaremongeringā€. Cases rising in the community was nothing to worry about. Thanks for that.

I learned very quickly at the start of this pandemic that people who like to use the word ā€œscaremongeringā€ were the last people you should listen to.

They wonā€™t be going hand in hand like that in Ireland. Businesses and organisations will be dealing with restrictions and strict rules for the remainder of the year.

Iā€™m not.

The facts are that the Brits have allowed outbound travel again. By their own metrics, countries like Italy will be on the green list from next week.

Travel is reopening in the U.K., in advance of full stadiums in Wembley. So you have Portugal and 10k in stadiums now, in one months time you will have all of Europe to travel in and full stadiums.

Who is that a kick in the teeth to?

Severely restricted as their society is on the verge of fully reopening.

In Ireland society is very unlikely to be fully reopened until October at the earliest.

The plan is that social distancing etc will be gone in the UK in a few weeks time.

Community spread my hole sure the masks are saving us all.

Weā€™re beating a dead horse here with restrictions.
Open up and let people decide for themselves we all know the risks.

Irish businesses, sports organisations and people laid off by the pandemic.