Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

But that’s not the point you are making.

You have admitted here given that Belfast is open that people will travel here anyway.

But then said in your wishful world you wouldn’t have a UI, just aligned travel policies.

The facts are that the U.K. are reopening society at the same time they are reopening travel. You can fly to Portugal on holidays before a full house in Wembley, which was seemingly your issue before.

You are now saying Ireland won’t have that but that’s not your argument. You have been railing against SF and Irish Government policy to have restricted travel via the DGC.

That is the point I’m making and has been from the very start.

Maybe go back to the start and you might realise you have wasted your entire afternoon arguing about something your misread.

As they were in the U.K.

All U.K. sports stadiums have had reduced staff with no crowds and continue to have reduced staff with limited capacity.

The U.K. have begun reopening travel in advance of full houses in the likes of Wembley. You are celebrating Wembley being fully open in one months time, you must be confident that travel reopening won’t impact that.


From the very start I have made this point and you have looked to argue something different.


The UK have very restrictive travel measures in place now and will be fully reopening their economy in a few weeks.

A different world for sure. Hopefully we get an outdoor pint in before the end of the Summer.

You used to be good at engaging with points.

You’ve ignored the point and provided a list of whatabouts.

The Digital Green Cert is restricted for air travel.

To two countries?

If we are lucky they might ban alcohol yet

The only point you made is to shout “you lack empathy”.

I don’t really see how I can engage with that, it’s a bad faith argument.

It’s the same bullshit argument used against Australia and New Zealand, that their successful policies supposedly “lacked empathy”.

But what they lacked in empathy in terms of making it harder for people coming in and out of the country, they more than made up for in empathy in terms of people not dying.

You’ve avoided the point again and veered off to something unconnected.

Your trite comment that travel equates to holidays, and that you can’t see why anyone would want to travel, is either disingenuous or ignorant. I’ve provided to context to back that up.

Your response was a list of whatabouts followed by something I didn’t say about New Zealand.

Edit: and I see you accused me of shouting. I think my posts were quite reasonably put.

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Essential travel is allowed.

You’re making zero sense.

You’re very bad at trying to justify your entitlements, a smart person might at least make a good go at it.

So are you saying that if Ireland reopened to Portugal that you wouldn’t have a problem with it?

I thought you were the guy who wanted to deal in reality. Instead all you are trying to do is muddy my stance which has been the same throughout, Rather than trying to misrepresent what I have stated, very clearly and concisely maybe you should try and make a reasonable argument against it.

The UK have restrictive travel measures in at present, there travel measures won’t really be opening up until July in all reality. By that stage their society will be fully reopened, their economy will be fully operational. Coronavirus restrictions are being binned on the 21 June in the UK.

So the situation in the UK is a million miles away from Ireland.

That’s a lot of words there without answering the question.

The facts are that the U.K. have opened U.K. travel. They have metrics that allow countries like Portugal to go on their green list.

The question in Ireland is about opening up from July.

You have previously criticised Sinn Féin and other proponents of the DGC for it. You described even considering opening up travel as a kick in the teeth. Yet you are celebrating the UK’s approach here in opening up travel to Portugal before a full house in Wembley.

You can’t keep your story straight.

To Portugal and Iceland and they still have to provide Covid tests before and after flying.

They will have Covid restrictions gone from the 21 June. They will have their economy and society fully reopened before they can travel freely. I don’t have an issue with that.

I do have an issue when businesses are going to be restricted, sports are going to be restricted, people are going to be out of work, the arts and entertainment sectors are going to be restricted etc etc but you can travel all around Europe not a bother. That is inherently wrong and fucks over workers, business owners and people who can’t follow their passions and hobbies in their own country but can fuck off and do it somewhere else.

The fact that you’re trying to defend that (while not making any issue to address it) shows how weak your argument is.

Their message of patience and caution has been vindicated. Many lives were still lost but not as many as would have been lost if we listened to the OIUTF lies.

The DGC does not allow you to travel freely.

Are you saying that you wouldn’t have a problem with allowing travel over the summer months in Ireland now, changing your position?

Jesus Christ.

It’s very fucking clear what I said. I don’t know if you’re plain stupid or what but I’m going to try for the final time and if you can’t get it through your noggin then I give up.

We should not open up air travel until such time as domestic society and economy are operational. If the govt want to make that tomorrow then tomorrow it is but it’s the point of insanity to fuck over the business owners, the people out of work and people who can’t enjoy any sort of activity without punitive restrictions on this island before then. Getting things up and running on this island has to happen before then but it looks like we will have foreign travel in operation way before our own domestic economy and society back in action - which is mental.

Now I know you will keep trying to drag this discussion down whatever nonsense hole you are interested but it’s black and white and you’re just being obtuse in trying to deflect from what I’ve been saying all afternoon.