Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I am sticking the point at hand. You stated previously that even discussing travel was a kick in the teeth for business owners.

Yet now you support the U.K. approach, where U.K. holiday makers have been going to Portugal for over a week. This is travel with restrictions, as the DGC also is.

You are all over the place.

I stated previously that allowing it when domestic economy and society is being restricted is a kick in teeth for business owners, people out of work as a result of the pandemic and others who canā€™t pursue their passions and hobbies on this island.

And youā€™ve been unable to counter that all afternoon so have merely sought to muddy the waters.

The UK approach is completely different to Ireland, clearly you are too stupid to understand.

So you now think that the U.K. allowing travel to Portugal is a kick in the teeth.

Yet you were cheering them for having a full house for Wembley in one months time.

Flippidty flop.

500 at games in the north from this weekend

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As I said.

Unable to counter any of the above.

Along with being able to travel to Portugal. Reopening travel hand in hand with the rest of domestic society.

The only thing you pointed out today is how inaccurate and disorganised you are. Shoddy internetting from you, again.

Society and the domestic economy are not operational until travel is functioning.

The economy is the most open and international in the world, it needs travel in order to function.

Irish society is multi-national, multi-cultural and cosmopolitan, every family has connections abroad. It needs travel in order to function.

The distinction only exists in your head. Travel is an intrinsic part of our society and economy. Perhaps you are too insular and narrow minded to see that.


At what point does any type of personal responsibility come into this? The vast majority of people would have no problem going to a packed pub in the morning yet are not because of fridgets like @mikehunt and @Cheasty.

Can ye not just stay at home lads and let us get on with it?


The fact that you canā€™t acknowledge real world examples like florida and texas is hilarious. What they show is no matter the approach you get the same outcome. Lives saved is miniscule compareto the lives ruined, to which we cannot tally yet


You donā€™t give a shit about anyone but yourself which would be fine if you were only putting yourself in danger. Sadly thatā€™s not the case.

The LIDTF lads still refuse to accept this is over.

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No its pure vindictiveness everyone has to suffer as much as me as I canā€™t comprehended facts outside of rte/hse mouthpieces

Sweden Sweden, erm no India, India, nope Florida, Texas.

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Iā€™m alright jack


Sweden great country. The United States has realised that 2 of the states got it right. The UK is next and southern Europe will soon follow as they cannot afford to go another summer without tourism. Again the outcome will be the same

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Anyone who I consider a risk of this is vaccinated.

Iā€™ll be in a pub Friday and going up the north for the weekend. I will be travelling abroad this summer one way or another.

I am done with your types. Please stay at home if you are uncomfortable.


Have a pint for me.

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Amerocanos, blue jeans and chinos.

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are you going to isolate for 10 days after crossing the border?