Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Depends on whether he gets lucky or not I’d say

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Three (3) Covid deaths in the entire UK yesterday and SAGE are breathlessly predicting another devastating wave. My prediction is their prediction will be as wrong as every other prediction they have made since March 2020. It’s like the last sting of a dying wasp, they can’t accept it’s over and they are about to be relegated back to their cushy lives in academia where they belong.



New hospitality guidelines delayed over disagreement about number of patrons at a table

It is expected there will be no time limit on indoor dining if tables have 2m between them, however, a time limit of 105 minutes will be implemented if businesses decide to space tables 1m apart.

This seems bizarre to me. What we know about covid spread that we didn’t a year ago is that it’s on the breath, and build up of breath in a room is the main means of transmission. If you’re in a room with an infectious person it doesn’t matter a fuck whether you’re a metre apart or two, or 105 minutes or three hours.

The main factor is ventilation, distance betwee tables and time limit are immaterial.

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Also, with all due respect, what the fuck would Bord Failte know about suitable guidelines.

And why is there always always always the sense that there is a last-minute rush to pull regs together. These could have been largely ready and agreed for months but suddenly 11th hour disagreement between the right hand and left hand in gov

It’s just not worth the hassle this summer

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Well, they’d know how the industry operates or what’s feasible. No point in NPHET drafting the guidelines and it’s so impractical no business can implement it. I expect NPHET would give guidance or parameters or instructions and bord failte draw up guidelines for the industry on that basis.

I can see why somebody might need to travel or want to travel for what they might consider to be essential reasons, but holidays abroad are not essential.

You’ve moved quite a bit. Had to be dragged out of you.


You said you don’t see why anybody would want to travel internationally this summer. How about those who haven’t seen relatives, especially elderly relatives, for over a year or possibly much longer?

I’d love to see me oul’ fella again and talk to him about the Dublin-Kerry match last Sunday, but he died from Covid.

And that’s enough reason to stop other people seeing their parents?

I think it’s enough reason to call out your bullshit about the pandemic supposedly not existing.

No point engaging with you as you’re irrational.

Ah yeah, totally. So is the rest of the world. If you want rationality you have to look to stockbrokers pretending to be epidemiologists on Twitter.

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Rationality and emotions don’t overlap unfortunately. Sorry to hear your plight but all the vulnerable are vaccinated now, what’s your actual end goal?


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s really tough going.


Just about everyone has now turned to this theory of the origin of the virus. Mad considering that the FACT CHECK said it didn’t happen.


If the Journal hear you badmouthing their fact checking they will contact your employer and try to get you sacked.