Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Anyone whonsaid it 12 months ago was a racist conspiracy theorist. Again iteland is long behind the rest of the world when it comes to the ‘science’

If this were true and casual contacts in a shop or takeaway spread so fast than we all would have been infected 12 months ago. I smell serious bullshit

The transmission across the 55 cases involved the virus spreading through “seven generations” as it passed from person to person.

“This is a possible picture that could be reproduced at any time again in the coming weeks,” said Dr Una Fallon, director of public health in HSE Midlands.

Not if some of those generations have been vaccinated


7 generations. The 1st generation must be pushing on 140 even with a serious family propensity for teen pregnancies


Maybe, just maybe pcr tests just aren’t that reliable. I’d say una’s doctorate is in feminist dance or something


They didn’t all get it in the shop.

Misleading stat from you again

‘Countries in northern Europe have generally experienced much lower mortality rates. Some Nordic nations have experienced almost no excess deaths at all. The exception is Sweden, which imposed some of the continent’s least restrictive social-distancing measures during the first wave.’

It came from Chy-na

But the few that did and in a take away. Surely casual contacts. Maybe Davy Fitz was right

Has it stopped being racist to say it was China now?

It’s still racist to call it the China virus but it’s fine to label variants.

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A load of crap here. I know for a fact it was caused by Filipino nurses living in cramped accommodation, sharing beds and the like.

The cover-up has already started.

The loony right wing: “It’s NOT racist to vilify immigrants!”

Also the loony right wing: “It IS racist to not want to be ravaged by a pandemic!”

Blame the people

Again, travel equated with holidays. These people are so out of touch it’s ridiculous.

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It would be mad to equate holidays with travel. Mad, I tells ya.

The economic argument is stupid but it’s telling that someone would put forward this kind of false narrative. I would have thought that public health would be sufficient but apparently it isn’t.

Saw a good line on Twitter relating to that famous ISAG geographer - “He should only be in the media if we need an expert on oxbow lakes”.