Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The lads trying to be funny on Twitter are the real experts on pandemics.

Again, trite.

He doesn’t appear to even know what he’s on about in his own area of expertise. Anyone comparing the Irish border to Australian state borders has a distinct lack of cop on.

Ah yeah. The last time I went to Spain I didn’t actually travel.

Stockbrokers and lads cosplaying as Ross O’Carroll-Kelly on TFK are the real experts on pandemics.



Common sense would have told you that. Lockdowns are a disaster

Those businesses have a far better chance of survival if foreign tourists are let in, as they will be in most other European countries

So very little difference in outcome between texas and californa. We just need to add sweden to that graph and fellas will be hopping their heads off the bottom of the bed


The most important thing when commenting on this pandemic is to try and come up with ways to make other posters angry. At least that’s what I think I’ve learned from reading this thread.

Ah yeah. But pandemics are great. It’s the lockdowns to deal with them you have to avoid.

What you need to do is ride the wave like a surfer.

What are you on about?

Is the graph above incorrect?

You can make up graphs to try and prove anything.

What you can also do is desperately search for proof that what has been proved to work on every level doesn’t actually work.

And that’s what several posters here have dedicated the entirety of the last year to doing.

They’ve tried very hard.

Bless their cotton socks.

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I don’t think that is true

You can prove anything with facts. What you should be doing is advancing theories without data like the bould Tomas Ryan.


About inflamed foetus brains

Ah yeah. Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand failed terribly. They should have tried to be North Dakota, who got it right.

The road to Damascus is an ultra marathon for you but you’ll get there.


Advancing theories is for fools. Science is based on it. Science is for fools.

Your road to Aleppo hasn’t worked out very well.