Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Customs officers Deirdre Furlong and Audrey Murphy told the court that they were asked to check compliance at the venue on 10 September last.

They booked a table for a meal and some drink and after 90 minutes they were asked if they wanted to stay longer and told they could use another bill.


Was that a law they broke or a guideline from a Bord Failte authored PDF?

According to the link above a breach of the 90min rule.

Dancing on a bar topless bar a waistcoat should be against the law however.

You’d think if they broke a law, they’d normally be charged with breaking that law with the specific resulting fines/custodial sentences etc arising. The fact that they weren’t would suggest to me that there wasn’t such a law.

They flouted the guidelines. FLOUTED THEM!


By the same premise rte should be fucked. Unfortunately we are not that type of country.


I was just thinking that Irish companies are now in an odd legal loophole.

Under the Berlin Bar precedent they can lose their trading licences for not complying with guidelines, even though guidelines aren’t regulations but under the Ryanair decision they have no right to challenge any of those guidelines (because they’re just guidelines not regulations).


Luke luke luke. Some positivity is great

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Luke has disappeared of late

The Picnic will be a go

They’re a parody


There was 15,000 in the Garden last night ffs

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They’ll never allow us back to normal


The public will see stadiums full across Europe for the European Championships and this will be changed very quickly.


I think so too. I think I predicted this back near the start of the year, that we’d be behind most of Europe unwinding restrictions, but would be forced to follow when countries across Europe would be unwinding restrictions at X% of vaccination. I’m actually pleasantly surprised at our relaxations so far. There should be a massive push for crowds at AI finals.


Meanwhile on the mainland.

All we need to do it relax

Agreed we are six weeks behind the UK in effect and this will catch up as we move through the summer

Get a grip it’s almost done