Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Forget about normal. The lads dorm want you going out drinking whenever ya want

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Would Mick Neville Park count as a larger outdoor stadium :face_with_monocle:

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Here We Go Reaction GIF by moodman


May as well close Shannon and Cork, Dublin can easily accommodate all transatlantic flights.

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All we need now is Malaysian, Vietnamese, Lebanese and Japanese and all Asian take away styles will be covered.

So long as Knock stays open we’ll be grand


Never forget that they are all variants of a CHINESE virus. This virus came from China.

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Cinemas :heart_eyes:

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John Meaghar :rofl:

This DAA guy is very good. There was never a serious debate in this country, just backdoor autocracy

Gives women mickeys


Grim reading about this new Thai strain. Very serious for young people and the vaccine is only 50% effective against it.


I think we’re approaching a critical ‘proved definitively right/wrong on the internet’ juncture. Would you be willing to give a date in the next few months where if, despite the country opening up, there hasn’t been a big spike in hospitalisations and deaths then you admit you were wrong? August 1st say. Equally the ulterior motive etc will have been proved completely wrong if there is a big spike.

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We’re back baby

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I picked up a thigh strain playing 5 a side today so it’s very transmissible.


We need to close the pubs

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