Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I’m booking Texas :muscle:t2::gun::gun::gun:


To make matters worse it originated in Eqypt, home of the dromedary camel, the source of MERS in 2014. If SARS and MERS have combined we are absolutely fucked.

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Have fun mate

Say hello to all me exes

German Scientists are a gas shower.


I’d say you were a little too subtle for a lot of lads there boss

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Eamon Ryan warning it will take weeks of work to get the airport’s ready to avoid queues - what in the fuck have they been doing???


All available resources have been diverted to @Batigol 's gulag goons.

I’ve Kinsale booked for second weekend of July.



Aine Lawlor (I think) sounding fierce disappointed that people won’t be required to be fully vaccinated to attend club matches.

as I’ve said all along, we are reactionary to all of this. They’ve had the guts of 18 months to sort out flights, and even allowing them the higher restrictions since MHQ, have had 4 months to get things in place in the airports. @Batigol there twiddling his thumbs and he could have been getting shit together for the big fat Americans to save our tourism.


I’d say some gov departments have had a fairly handy pandemic with others being run off their feet.

That’s probably true. My pilot mate reckons Ryan has prevaricated on travel because he is in principle against air travel anyway. He’s not motivated to get it moving again. Might be something to that. My experience of dealing with D/Transport would not suggest to me that it is the most proactive or high performing of departments, although perhaps that’s unfair as it was only one division I had contact with.


I wouldn’t say it’s unfair mate. Apart from revenue all government departments are beyond shit because 90% of public sector workers are useless. We’ve covered this :grinning:

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Ah yes, your theory on having your tea lady sort the mail for an entire department. Private sector efficiency! :smiley:

A grown adult whose job it is to drop mail to people’s desks :grinning:

A grown adult who thinks it is a good use of public funds to pay someone a full-time salary to drop mail to useless cunts desks :grinning:


I hope the mail man has the standard half day off on a Friday to cash the cheque that is actually delivered electronically.

Hardly a surprise given that Shane Ross was there before.

They did a great job on the Garda station refurb.