Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I’m concerned at the speed these are rushed through, regulatory approval is a long process for normal medication and is rightly so. I would hesitate to be first up for a vaccine even if it means I spend a few extra months not going g to the pub

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I’ll go to the pub regardless.


It won’t stop me if they are open. My belief is the goverment won’t open until certain percentage of population are cover, rightly or wrongly.

I assume the most vulnerable will be looked after first, I don’t imagine young healthy men will be high on the list.
And rightly so obviously, once the vulnerable are taken care of this thing is over

its absolute insanity, a safe vaccine takes at least 4 years of development and trials, There’s no way my parents are taking some cod of a vaccine, its even more dangerous than the cod of a virus that has a 99.7 survival rate


Make your priority seeing your family/ friends etc this Christmas and spending time with them. Dingle will be there when all of this is in the rear view mirror

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Yeah I was chatting to a relative in an at risk category and he said they were told the order is at risk then over 70s then frontline healthcare workers then general population. Which is all fair enough. I’m well down the priority which is fine by me

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Level 4 is the very best Ireland can hope for at Christmas, and that is being very optimistic, I have said it before and I will say it again, the current level five is for 12 weeks

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The average timeline from patent to FDA approval is 12 years and $100 billion. The patent is good for 20 years so drug companies only have 8 years to make back the money and a profit

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You could be right tbh.

its an absolute cod what they are doing with this vaccine talk, no one in their right mind should take it

Sadly, The only parents ye lads at home in Ireland will be seeing on Christmas day will be on a ipad as long as Cardinal Holohan and those nutcases in nepht are calling the shots

$100 billion!

I agree they are talking about it like the flu vaccine which is not a good comparison, where it much the same vaccine but with the most recent strains added. Im concerned a would be slow to take it myself. But if it works great and I’m not in top priority so fine by me. I’m all for vaccines and got the flu one last week in work, I would be worried if they made it mandatory but I highly doubt they will do that

Yes it sound ridiculous but read up on pharma economics, unlike most things I say here i acctually have completed courses on this and have accreditations on this and this was covered. The instructor asked the group to put an estimate on this and we were all way out. That figure absorbs the cost all other drugs developed that don’t make it to market.


Well hello Billy Big Balls

Imagine I’m actually talking about something I know but not out my hole


What’s your opinion on this doc?

Talking about something you actually know about removes all your credibility on the internet I’m afraid.

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Madness asking doctors and nurses to keep working without isolating