Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The pubs will be open for Christmas. The entire hospitality sector are forming an alliance


I know a few fellas who could organise the online side of that for you.

Some lovely side-stepping by Dr Tony there on testing and contact tracing and yet again reiterating the public responsibility. Arrogant.


Define open ???

There was some hysteria that the lab in UCD was shut but there was a little line in the article to say the capacity was being covered by Enfer so it was a total non story.

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Still at it since day 1.
As if the journalists are insulting him by asking the question. It’s a pity none of them really stick with the question in a Vincent Browne fashion and demand a proper answer


Lockdowns are a failure of the public health system.


He is fond of stroking the media by saying thanks to them for getting out the shared message, which is the NPHET advice.

Similar fall off in cancer testing/screening here. Media won’t report daily cancer deaths next year though.

It’s a huge worry for people.


Know of someone who found a lump early in lockdown and couldn’t get a scan for months. Luckily it all came back grand but still a horrible wait for them.


I think the breastcheck service was only back in October.

Think everything like that is going ahead now though is it. Services for special needs children etc

It is but there is a six or seven month backlog to clear.

I’ll put it to you this way. If cases continue to freefall and are under 100 coming into December the pubs will get a months reprieve to keep the people spirits up (NPI) after what has been a tough year for everyone. They will close us again in January until March but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it

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I’m not sure on that. My wife had a mammogram back in May (I think it was May anyway)

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I think that could happen but the pubs seem to be in the sights all the time. I fully expect a lock down once schools close though.

Would this be a Level 3/4 type, outdoors only or might one get a two hour indoor spot. Or are we talking novelty jumper 12 pubs shenenigans

Indoor, same rules as those glorious 2 and a half weeks the real pubs were open


Camden Street will be hopping Saturday 19th December. it’ll be off the chain before we are locked away til February.

Dessie does December.


All joking aside lads the thing of tesco not being allowed sell toys and clothes but being allowed sell drink! Has there been any public comment on this? It seems absolutely mental when you think about it. Spotted it in Tesco earlier