Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Six deaths and 675 new cases

They’re always the last place you think.

So Tipperary it is.

Open it up ta fuck

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That was me

So the government haven’t even discussed Christmas yet, that’s reassuring alright. Sure it’s only the biggest day of the year for millions of people.

Money back if you die.

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Case numbers taking a substantial hit


Testing figures down nearly half compared to last week.

Yeah. I wonder is this a lag due to the “do your own contact tracing” weekend? Hopefully not

This seems like a sensible approach if implemented safely. Back at the peak healthcare workers were one of the largest groups testing positive. Obviously they were getting tested more which is a factor and were more exposed to it during lockdown. It would be interesting to see the data on the % that have had it. Would it mean more of a herd immunity in hospital staff settings? It spread like wildfire through a lot of nursing homes as well. Do we know the survival rate of residents to infections? And would a large % of staff who have had it mean the same with regard to lowering the risk of spreading it in work?. I wonder are the nursing homes getting hit now the ones that were successful at keeping it out in the first wave?

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Snitches get stitches

Surely if positive cases are dropping the number of tests being carried out should also drop. We aren’t doing random mass tests, we are testing close contacts and those with “symptoms”


Thanks for that. Very informative set of numbers.

Fewer close contacts too.

Thought he was going to retweet some of his own material when he mentioned complete breakdown.


May God forgive me but I had a right chuckle at that.
