Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Not at you, you numpty but surely that article has to be stating the obvious

You should probably put the word about, just in case

Why do you think Iā€™m heading to Donegal the week after next?

Iā€™m feeling a little bit embarrassed after giving out to my mother about nphet and her hero Tony earlier I now hear that other countries like Germany and France are also going into lockdown. :blush:


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What do people see when they read those numbers?

To me, those numbers absolutely scream that this level of halfbaked shambolic lockdown has no merit or basis.

In practically every single category we have less proportional hospitalisations, ICUs and deaths and some categories were 5x or more in the earlier lockdown.

And at what cost?

Absolute calamitous catastrophe.


I think what you are saying is completely obvious but why are so many other countries locking down too? I canā€™t get my head around this point

The world is gone mad

The 14-day incidence rate - the number of cases per 100,000 of the population - has also dropped and is below 300, at 299, for the first time in a week.

However, public health officials have stressed in recent days that it is too early to say if there are any definitive trends emerging.

They were quick enough to see definitive trends two weeks ago.


As @EstebanSexface and I have patiently pointed out a number of times, there is still a global pandemic going on. Other countries are being affected by this too and the danger of health systems being overwhelmed, quickly followed by high numbers of deaths, is still present.

However, our crowd have failed in their efforts to mitigate or control this risk a number of times on a number of fronts and should rightly be criticised for their poor management leading us back to lockdown so soon and at comparatively lower rates.

Most of the discussion on TFK is stupid. Yes Ireland and NPHET have done a terrible job, but also yes, there is a global pandemic and it is still dangerous. Itā€™s not one or the other.


By what metric are Ireland doing terrible compared to other countries in the second wave?

Admin Team Statement

The events overnight and into this morning have sadly left us with no option but to withhold the thread title editing privileges of @myboyblue for a 6-week period with a review after 4 weeks.

We will be making no further comment on the matter.

Statement Ends

There is a media embargo on this statement until 10am.



Fantastic news.

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Our trajectory curve is heading downwards already whilst the rest of Europe is burning.

Irelandā€™s management of the pandemic has been poor and haphazard from the start. More deaths than most comparable countries. In the months subsequent to the lockdown we continued to have more restrictions than most EU countries. Despite these we quickly to proceeded to higher rates. We didnā€™t build health system capacity and our test and trace procedures were a failure. We actually stood down most of our test and trace capacity. We have placed focused on areas that international experts do not consider high risk, such as travel, and ignored settings that are actually high risk, such as food processing plants. Weā€™ve maintained more restrictions and derived absolutely no benefit from them. Weā€™ve put no supports in place to assist private nursing and care homes, there arenā€™t a even protocols to follow. We developed a five level plan and abandoned it the week of its launch. I could go on.

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Great credit must go to the GAA. A two week blitz saw the virus go toe to toe with GAA club players, who would be among the fittest people in the country. This battle has led to the virus burning itself out and the hospitals remained protected. :clap:


Does this mean Blackrock arenā€™t cunts?

With the exception of Limerick where our middle class clubs won the county titles and traitorously refused to decamp to shebeens,trailers and barns

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Itā€™s making much more sense now.
Michael Martin had a masterplan.
God Bless Fianna Fail and God Bless the GAA.