Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sodom and Gomorrah

Tipp hurling squad

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It simply boils down to whether a vaccine/vaccines is effective and how quickly the public accept it as such. Expect a massive effort to get it out there as the economic benefits would be huge. I would be cautiously optimistic we will have a vaccine by the end of the year and it will be mass delivered by the Spring.

Really we just need to vaccinate the vulnerable. Not sure how many would fall into this category but a million would probably do us.
For all the talk of sharing the vaccine etc the rich will no doubt be the first to get it.
The vaccine is as much physiological as anything really

If it’s effective it should be made available free to everyone and all adults at least should be encouraged to get it. That’s what I would expect will happen, treat it like a flu shot.
Do you mean psychological?

Yes. Yes I do

A placebo?

As an aside, I was in Flanders some years ago getting a tour of the battlefields. As an aside to an aside, this is something everyone should do once in their lives. Anyway on the tour the guide detailed the chaos that the carnage and destruction had done to this now pristine agricultural land. I asked him when did they first manage to have a harvest after the war. 1926 was the answer. Twelve years (possibly 13) after the previous harvest. They had managed to clear all the mines and explosives by 1924/1925 but when they put down the next harvest it was struck by a plague of mice.

I make the comment only to express the point that life can be slow to return to normal and you never know what is around the next corner.


They have a bomb disposal team permanently stationed at Flanders…according to a podcast I listened to


Some information out today from the CSO seemingly questioning our Covid death stats.

The source -

Is that how desperate we’ve become?!

This has been done on here before. You have 3 months to register a death so RIP is a better source of real time information.

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What is the source of the death rates that they report then?

Shur you can prove anything with statistics

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What’s wrong with

Nothing. Nothing at all.

It seems a bit amateur for a state agency to be relying on it for statistics.

Have the medical dictatorship been making up deaths?

As @Fagan_ODowd pointed out it’s real time data. Also it says in the piece that they acknowledge it’s experimental data.

I’m not sure what would be untrustworthy about

The information is posted up by random undertakers all over Ireland. It’s not meant to be used for state statistics.

What is wrong with the actual process for notifying the Department of Health of Covid deaths? There is obviously something.

It’s delayed. This is real time data.

So we reckon undertakers may be posting up fake deaths?


Not at all. Just that they shouldn’t be relied on as that was never the point of the information posted. It hasn’t been fact checked - not should it be.