Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sure wasn’t there a screenshot of a death notice for a dolphin on another thread today? is deadly

We’re through the looking glass here

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Where we at lads? I havent checked in for a few days - are we below 500 daily cases and near r1?

He’s ran the numbers for other year’s and they’re fairly consistent

Would include Protestants

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Sure they live forever?

That’s Vampires pal.

Easily confused I grant you but vampires have souls.

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Not a lot of Muhammeds on but plenty of Samuels.

Go through the death notices for counties on the west coast and you would have lots of deaths that took place in the UK, and the funerals in the UK as well. There are also cases where a death will have 2 seperate entries because the person spent time living in seperate parts of Ireland. You would like to think there is a more scientific way of gathering this information fairly quickly.

On the graphs the data is labeled as (cleaned)
Which I assume means they validate it to remove notices like the above.

Jaysus it wouldn’t take much to filter that sort of stuff out.

This video hits the very sweet spot between being funny and also seethe inducing.


This guy has talked a lot of sense, still might be a fruitcake for all Iknow though

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

If a new Enlightenment is the net result of all this it will all have been worth it

We live in hope.

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The only Irish expert on the BBC is an absolute complete lunatic. That woman is one step away from throwing herself in front of a Brazilian marathon runner in the Olympics.


Brendan O Carroll was fully booked

Clinically obese, was there any need? :joy::joy:

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