Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

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I think for anyone under 40 life will snap back to normal very fast. The older and most vulnerable will get the vaccine first, once thatā€™s done then everyone that isnā€™t at risk can go mad. Thereā€™ll be a year of festivals and parties and riding. I donā€™t expect it by summer 2021 though.

China has reported a total of 86,070 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, with a death toll of 4,634.

Some boyos

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What vaccine?

The one that will come out whenever it does.


Pfizer have got this

I expect thereā€™ll eventually be one, yes. Even if the best they can do is 50% effectiveness.

Allahu akbar


Heā€™s photoshooped a white eight year old girlā€™s arm there.


Some smashing replies there

Thanks mate

Jaysus not even halfway through this lockdown and they are buttering us up for another in early 2021. Fuck sake.

Sammy Wilson on the ball here regarding the likes of the Npeht and Sage

cc @Bandage @Tank



Thatā€™s a fantastic analogy by Sammy the mad cunt

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Primitive societies which existed within the last 4000 years I presume

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Thatā€™s an absolute belter to be fair

I see Tony is about to cancel christmas.

Belfast airport and port will be busy this year


He had little concern for it in February when the scenes from Lombardy were on the tv.

The change by public health officials on travel has been a marvel to see. I admit I bought their lines on it being a waste of time to limit travel back then, but it appears that this was very political. Mike Ryan is now talking about it being awful. They were very concerned when once upon a time that the West could block travel from Third World Countries because of Ebola or China with Covid.