Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Belfast airport isn’t really equipped to deal with passengers

I will be running a ferry from Liverpool to Howth to help those stranded in the UK get home for Christmas. :slight_smile:

Tony has been on the same fitness plan as John bubbles o dwyer over the Summer it seems

They make it up as they go along based on what they think they can get away with.

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an outstanding orator
i always admire a man who can give a good speech, none of this notes - he’s really going for it there


Id agree with he post above
Id anticipate towards end of this quarter we’ll see emails coming out saying WFH has been extended from 30 June 2021 to 31 December 2021… Il put it to you this way, behind closed doors sport will be the way of the future until at least maybe the beginning of the 2022/23 football league season

If World War I and II was a failure of international diplomacy and the Great Depression and GFC that of economics/finance, then this is the great failure of public health. They had a point about resourcing before this but have had unprecedented resources for 9 months now. The strategies have changed and the goal posts constantly moved. Talking out of both sides of their mouths regularly, flip flopping, politically motivated pronouncements etc.

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20th in Europe for 7 day incidence but international travel is the risk. Very vague and non-specific references to what other countries are doing. That intervention is a nonsense.

He won’t say it out loud but they are zero Coviders at heart.



They wouldn’t let in people from countries who had less cases than us a few weeks ago. He was hardly going to do an about turn now that cases are rising

The farm workers story is a bogeyman being used by public health officials due to their failings over the last few months.


The gall of him. We’re currently 20th worst in Europe and he’s warning about travel. How he can say that with a straight face is beyond me.

The EU have agreed a traffic light system. His job is to implement it now. His intervention there is an attempt to frustrate something the government has already signed up to.

His arrogance on that front is astounding.

All the while, has there ever been an admission or an apology on anything we got wrong.

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This is such nonsense. We’ve had basically no restrictions at all in the airport since this began. I know someone working there and all we’ve had were the passenger location forms and it sounds like the follow-up on those was very much hit and miss.

People were flying into the country and leaving the airport without any testing being done. Everything was fine once they handed in the form.

Is Tony now saying this is a problem?

The bould Sammy :smiley: :rofl:

It won’t kill you not to have another holiday for a year or so.

we all do

CC @Batigol

No he’s saying he wants the status quo to remain the same. Mickey mouse measures only please, nothing that would require effort or resources or any responsibility attaching to NPHET.

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They would rather look like they’re being perfect than actually taking proactive steps.

Antigen tests might be only 90% certain but in their world the passenger locator form is 100% as it eliminates responsibility from them which is all that really matters. This goes back to not being grown ups about this.


Absolutely spot on.

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