Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


I havenā€™t missed a match with the aul fella in donkeys years. Be fucked if Iā€™m starting now


PrimeTime. Theyā€™re onto cancer now, Iā€™m old enough to remember when that was still a thing


Make it 20 a head and get a few disco biscuits. Spread the love and covid


Is ardamine not outside your 5km?

Might join a gym in Newry

20% reduction in the number of people who started treatment for cancer in the UK in August 2020 compared to August 2019. Be interesting to know what the numbers in Ireland are like.

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What a fucking joke.

So thatā€™s why weā€™re being locked down and just to rub it in weā€™re expected to contact our close contacts too.

In a way does that kind of shit show not really give the impression that in reality a much higher percentage of the country is probably riddled and living as per normal?

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Mrs Mac was notified last Monday night through the app that she was a close contact. Still hasnā€™t heard from contact tracing. 12 other teachers impacted. 6 of them have had contact, the rest havenā€™t. The whole thing is broken.

They actually updated that this morning.
Shopping is on the list.

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See this is the thing that really gets me.

This system is critical yet there is precious little communication other than to say that 100k tests have been done each week.

What I want to know is:

  1. Is the testing strategic? At least trying to catch some asympthomatic ones?

  2. How quick is the contact tracing? Can technology be greater used here to help?

  3. Crucially, what is happening to suspected cases? Are they isolating as required? Can we make them isolate?

Itā€™s my feeling that this is a shit show.


Sure what else would DOH and the HSE produce?


The easiest of all the things to get right.

Literally anyone could do it and we have a 300k plus people claiming the pup.


Micheal Mac talking sense here as per usual


The colleague of mine that got it was working side by side with another colleague, so he felt symptoms on the Tuesday and got tested the following day because his son was part of that minor panel; the following Monday she still had to organise her own test for her own peace of mind. Contact tracing wasnā€™t on to her til the following day, a week on from yer man getting it.

4 ex health ministers in the current cabinet. No wonder weā€™re fucked


Stupid lazy bastards at the wheel yet again.

The childrenā€™s ombudsman was on the radio during the week saying that speech and language therapists are not available to kids now because they have been reassigned to contact tracing. Itā€™s literally ringing people from a list you are given. Itā€™s an absolute fucking shitshow but what do you expect itā€™s the same incompetents running the show that have been for years.


Girl at work the same. Didnā€™t hear she was a contact for a week. Tested today and waiting on result.