Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Seems low.

Two new strains of virus doing the roundsā€¦ Those vaccines about to hit the market arenā€™t worth a wankā€¦ Weā€™ll be another two years at this shite.

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Covid 19 is showing good foot in pulling away from the vaccine cc @mickee321

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Just goes to show we have it on the run. It knowā€™s weā€™re coming for it. These new strains are at nothing.

Lads talking about a full Croke park next year and everything back to normal :sweat_smile:

Another couple of years of lads drinking at home pretending they like whiskey to impress a few strangers on the INTERNET



This is scary, a nightmare coming true in 2020

Itā€™s low for a Fianna Fail government anyway.

Iā€™m drowning myself in the US election like an alcoholic drowning his troubles in liquor. Iā€™m also breaking lockdown going past the 5 km with my mates every single day.

I actually got some covid symptoms yesterday, a random chilblain that came from nowhere which I never got before but Iā€™m not going to tell anyone because I refuse to be another one of Archbishop Tonyā€™s statistics.

Lads on here will be shopping you. Watch your back.



How to unlock those savings is the challenge really.


@Lazarus set up a religion. Register the pub as the church. IPA consumption is part of the ceremony. Tax free then as well

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Listen to the words carefully in that clip, they are stealing yervlives in Ireland. You canā€™t even sit in the sitting room in peace at this stage

Iā€™m as mad as hell and Iā€™m not going to take this anymore.

11,810 swabs
502 positive
Positivity Rate 4.25%

Would have been hoping for a bigger fall off, there shouldnā€™t be any back log of cases, so Iā€™d expect it should be less 500 cases tonight.

499 cases

8 deaths

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8 deaths is sadly higher number than youā€™d like