Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I’ve been forced to listen to cheesy Lithuanian dance music since 8am today… I’m ready to get the virus and die.


its fucking embarrassing
waiting for a paul daniels type character to pull a rabbit out of a hat in the shape of a vaccine on christmas week
“shur with the 2m rule we’ll only get 21k in Croke park, if we can get that down to a meter we’ll have 42000 in there for the all ireland final christmas week”
Herr Houlihan has everyone by the balls, he might allow a “relaxing of restrictions” to thank people for their efforts in “suppressing the virus”.
i suppose busy men like us who are at stuff flat out dont get caught up in it but you’d simple old folk who are very badly effected by this, they were donning the green jersey and painting the shed last April but they have fuck all to be at now and this vaccine to them is similar to a shepherd in bethlehem seeing a star in the sky on christmas eve…but look the solution to this thing is far from binary as donal og cusack would say before tipp and limerick… Houlihan will slam down the shutters again second week of january and by then it will dawn of fellas that this vaccine might take a few years to actually take effect
he’ll put the cases back up at 1.2k per day and invent a few deaths, shur wasnt it only last year that fellas were dumping their elderly parents in ER as they wanted to get rid of them for a few hours over christmas…Tony will see these as collateral damage now and add them to his warchest of dead bodies to justify himself as the self annointed messiah

and to answer the question
it will not be before the beginning of the 22/23 football league season that you will see crowds back at sports events


The Cork Taoiseach with an embarrassing speech here on the news…

The ‘overreaching objective’ has been thrown out.

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Big weekend for the Martin family.

Is your man into his disco polo? Ask him if he likes Zenek Martyniuk.

Micheal Aodh is a good guy.

I’m home and hope to never see him again as long as I live.

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The snood was an awful misstep

a “meaningful Christmas” is the new one

be a good lad and we’ll let ye have a “meaningful Christmas”


The government will arrange for RTE to do an extra Mrs Brown’s Boys episode as a thank you for everyone parting with their basic rights for 9 months


It’s a fucking cod tassoti.

Boris seems confident John Bull will be back rocking and rolling fully next October I believe.

Christmas will be off the chain lads

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Afolf Holohan has said there’s to be no Christmas this year. We just cant risk people feeling normal for a bit

Maybe the meaning of Christmas will be not letting the government split up your family.

no pubs, no restaurants or nightclubs, you will be allowed move around your county and sit on a rock looking at the sea in the likes of Lahinch drinking a take away cup of coffee, some craic

There are illegal raves happening on Bull Island. I’ll have to check them out.

Are there any illegal “lads sitting around having a pint and watching the telly”-style raves going on?

That was a magical 2 month period there in July and August where you could tear off to ballybunnion or the cliffs of moher and stare at the waves for an hour.


you have another 3 years of it, god help us

Do you really think the Government’s are going to relinquish this power? This will be it forever. Do what you are told and we’ll allow you have a meaningful holiday every 6 months.

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