Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

People have handed them total control over everything, willingly. Itā€™s terrifying



Why are ā€˜ladsā€™ still talking about Adolf houolahin and the likes? Sure the whole of Europe is at the same shit. Heā€™s hardly on some mad solo run*

*insert :joy: to make people feel foolish here

Because we have been like this for the last 9 months. A state of inertia. Every other country in Europe had some semblance of normality or respite. We had none. Instead a Perpetual state of fear and propaganda.

Youā€™re wrong mate. Lad posting here that pubs are open in England.

Its a cod. The overreaction and shutting down the country is a cod


Thatā€™s no excuse, most of Europe has fallen under fascism before.

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Yet Dr lockdown said our efforts may not be enough to save Christmas today


They are pushing for zero Covid which is impossible without locking down all travel into the State. Which is impossible.

They should be called out on that.

Itā€™s the people who have turned their lives upside downs fault. Not the useless bastards running the HSE

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Stopping travel is nonsense we need business travel in and out since the MNC are keeping the tax base going. Brenda and Nuala who scream the shut the airports are morons who canā€™t see realty. Iā€™ve said enough on the zero covid loons.

This shows we are performing better with level 3 than the models they used to justify level 5 and ruin the economy. Its time someone comes out and call out the mathematical bollocks acting and the poor models never worked. Someone with qualifications not a fella on the internet

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I donā€™t think people have the energy for it any more.

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Paddy has accepted his lot. He has given up. Its tragic

I still feel that buzz of anticipation every time I see Paul Flynn standing over the free towards the end of the 2004 Munster Final. What more does one need in life?


Bill Gates pumps millions into the Imperial College every year. They are producing mickey mouse figures to scare the shite out of people

sure what more could someone want every weekend?? a lovely fire on, a few cans of Guinness on a Friday night, sitting at home on your home watching the 2004 Munster hurling final

Iā€™d prefer it to being out and about, under threat of having feral youths split my head open with a hatchet.

Has Dr Ronnie Glynn been disappeared by Archbishop Holohan? No activity on twitter since mid October when he had previously been posting up regular little clips telling us to stay inside in the box room and not to talk to strangers.

Sure isnā€™t he the one who let things get out of hand when Tony was on leave? Then Tony has to ride back to the rescue with a level 5 recommendation before heā€™d even caught up on his emails.

@Rocko be a hero and shut this repetitive nonsense down again