Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I wouldn’t give up on the pubs being open just yet

This Denmark mink thing sounds deeply disturbing.

UK banning entry to anyone from Denmark.

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Cc @TreatyStones

If that goes widespread we’ll be locked down for another 12 months. Vaccines developed for covid 19 will be no use. Also highlights the issues with factory farming and piling animals high in cages

This surely won’t effect the vaccine?

Those vaccines won’t be worth a wank


Hearing different, know of a couple of good ones in Limerick that are strongly considering selling their licences.

Feel the games up sadly.

Borough Market absolutely heaving an hour ago, pints been served, restaurants open, people living their lives. John Bull has had enough of lockdown. Thank God I Iive in a country that loves freedom


Limerick is the new Wuhan. Imagine Trump calling it the sham flu.

Christ, level 5 for the next 3 years

Level 8 for Christmas and defcon 5 till 2045

300,000 cancer screening tests delayed due to Covid according to the Examiner.

Thats an absolute disgrace.


You are officially invited to the TFK get together mate. Nothing too wild tbh.

Bag of Cans, glue, some weed and a blast of Trance.

You’re some man for one man.

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Checkpoint at Baldoyle church earlier. A Pat Shortt type guard. Full of the joys. Are you a local. I am. Where are you off too? Lidl. Grand so.
By the way did you see a Turkish looking fella trying to rob a lorry yesterday? No Guard.


They are onto you @Thomas_Brady

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This is done

Holohan will dig out a few cases to get back to his rightful spot as top story on the news

We counting canines now?

OMFG I made a mistake on the INTERNET!