Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I was just looking into another one of those doom mongerers, The Johns Hopkins University, Bill Gates is pumping millions into them aswell, people would want to wake up and cop on


They are some boyos


It’s beyond obscene. You have what are essentially made up characters, the “CMO” and the “Deputy CMO” playing God with peoples’ livelihoods. Lads that nobody paid any attention to before now and that most people never even knew existed. Now these fellas have a vice like grip on the nation and they show no signs of letting go.


They are allowing us a meaningful Christmas. What more do you want?

That is out now too, they are flying kites in the media, those fucking nazi’s in Nepht and calling for restrictions to be kept in place, wrecking peoples lives for a deadly virus with a 99.8 survival rate

Letting the kids sing Jingle Bells over Zoom to their granny

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The Gardai in Dublin patrolling parks and children’s playgrounds to monitor how close parents are standing to each other as they supervise their kids on slides, while lads are running amok in the city centre sticking axes in each other’s heads. You literally could not make it up.


every guard in the country manning idiotic check points and criminals running amok

Are they? One of those doom mongers was on the radio the other saying that we will have to limit contacts are Christmas if we are to avoid a lockdown in February, bet when we get to February it will be another case of we need to lockdown if you want to see anyone for Easter and on and on and on we go.


I know of one set of grandparents who had stuck rigidly to lockdown but decided at the weekend they’d had enough and traveled to see their grandchildren


The EU traffic light travel system is in effect from today. Most place currently red but since everywhere is in lockdown again presumably they’ll all reduce to orange at least and people will be allowed fly home for Christmas. The EU has saved Christmas.

its happening all over rural Ireland and should encouraged

Make sure to fill out the form though :wink:

I met a nice Bean-Garda in Phoenix Park at the weekend. She broke lockdown to come see me. She’s been out working the checkpoints and that. She told me that she thought lockdown was a complete joke and she felt like she was turning into a complete anarchist and gave me a big anti-lockdown tirade. She was just like a normal TFK poster basically. Most people I meet are like this but you don’t get to meet the majority because they never leave the house.

I told her that I heard a story about an elderly couple in rural Clare who were fined when their son came to see them. She said that there was no chance whatsoever of a passing patrol car calling that in and it must have been the neighbours. @Tassotti

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If we are all very good at Christmas, and then stand firm for January and February, they’ll let us have a parade for St Patricks Day, with Dr Tony at the head of it, in a tank.


She sounds perfect for you mate.


it would be fitting if the Irish people took up arms against the Irish government and their nepht cronies next Easter, Holohan, Martin and Varadkar, all put up against a wall and blow their brains out

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We’re facing into 3 years of this minimum. 3 years if we’re lucky.

Either there will be a far-right wing take-over with Gemma O’Doherty as Taoiseach or else there will be sensible opposition. There are no other outcomes.

nothing will happen in reality, paddy is all talk, you are right, there is three years of this shit ahead, maybe even more, its a horrifying thought

I did the same myself. Hadn’t seen my mother in a few weeks because of the lockdown in Dublin and then country wide lock down. Told her that I was coming at the weekend and she was delighted brought my daughter as well to see her and she over the moon with the visit. Was stopped at a checkpoint on the way home to ask where I was going told them I was going home and that was it. Waste of time for the guards.