Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The checkpoints are a complete waste of time at this point. increased number of Guards walking around the likes of Ranelagh and Ballsbridge during the day as well. Ridiculous.

If you’re this snappy after a swim then I’d shudder to think how volatile you are normally.


Actually don’t mind seeing the Gardai in patrol in area’s at least they are giving the impression they are about but these checkpoints are a waste of time.

I’ve been seaswimming every day for over a week now, unreal. I might even take the big plunge and post in the swimming thread.

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You’d be hardcore then. :slight_smile:

Nope, he’s a Zero Covider though.

I don’t see why people are surprised about NPHET wanting hard restrictions, why would they change? They have no idea how to control this beyond that, it’s believed that they don’t think that track and trace works for example.

The morons in politics and the public need to cop on a bit. This “suffer now, enjoy later” approach people have been going on has justified inane restrictions for months from people. If you just keep moving that goal, people will keep justifying it. At the outset of Level 5 there were rumours that backbench TDs were told that it was so retail could open up for Christmas trading and pubs/restaurants open up for Christmas week so people could get a break. That’s as stupid as keeping everything locked down. The whole points on restaurants and bars was to keep up social distancing and contact tracing consistently. that’s how they’d have a chance of functioning as businesses throughout this - not throw open the doors for a week of heavy business. I think it was mentioned here but there was one local politician who wasn’t aware of Black Friday and the impact on retail.

They don’t understand what they are signing up to or the economic consequences of it.


Increased patrols in leafy areas during the day looking for regulations being broken is a bit pointless. The city centre needs to be properly policed with it taken account of that the lack of footfall from students/office workers/shoppers that allows more anti social behaviour to go on. They shouldn’t be “policing” Covid advice like 5km at this point, it’s a waste of time, they should be policing the implications of their movement restrictions on harder hit areas.

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Ah here. There’s lies, damn lies and statistics. They surely won’t roll this out based on a 28 day study of 94 people 🤷**

**I’m sure they will

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Hook it to my veins

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Oh they will.
Even if it works, this is such a stark exception to normal process if it is rolled out globally on the basis of that, that one would have to question it.

It wasn’t a 28 day study. Trial had 40k+ participants. Latest stage was to monitor 98 of those (who had Covid), showing the vaccine provided protection 28 days later.

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More shite from Scally urging people to get the flu vaccine. It’s not available this year to people outside defined vulnerable groups and kids. Because we don’t have enough.

Also advocating locking people away to isolate.

  1. This is a study of 94 (ninety four) people.
  2. It is quoting 28 day “success”
  3. What does “protected against the disease mean?”

Sells all shares in Zoom

  1. This is a study of 94 (ninety four) people.

It is not, it’s a study of 40k+ people.

  1. It is quoting 28 day “success”

It is not, it is stating the vaccine provides protection after 28 days.

  1. What does “protected against the disease mean?”

I would say protected means 75%+ effective.

I’m not saying lots of corners may not have been cut and there are obvious risks, but no value in diminishing some level of positive progress for the sake of it.


They desperately want their managed traveller facilities.

They are idiots, they post pictures of NZ and Aussies having crowds and dangle that to people. Aside from ignoring the trade offs on the cost to people’s lives of any travel restrictions (family, social, business), they ignore the reality of trade. We have roll out, roll off trade with Europe. They have large containers, it’s one of the issues with Brexit.

It’s been funny to see how the WHO have changed on this as well. Mike Ryan saying that freedom of travel around Europe might need to be looked at, this was after they spent a year saying travel restrictions and bans were wrong. When it was China and the third world it was wrong, not now apparently.


6 cans of the Pfizer vaccine please

Going by the pareto principle, we’ll need about 20% vaccinated to see a real difference?

They’re going to claim that they need 80% or whatever but they really don’t given how accurately we can see who the at risk groups are.

The article clearly references the 94 people they followed up showing 28 day “protection”. The article is about these 94, and these 94 only. You are using statistics to suit your argument. Like a politician or an employee of a company with billions on the table.
It claims unequivocally the people are “protected against the disease”.
What disease?
So unequivocal “protection” is, in fact 75% protection?

My father in law is 70, has bad lungs and was diagnosed with Covid 3 weeks ago. I watched the football with him yesterday while we had a couple of cans of Guinness each and made plans to head up the Mournes again later this month. His wife was in the house with him throughout and no restrictions observed due to stubbornness, seems she hasn’t been affected at all.