Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Humanity bounces very quickly. Life finds a way as a wise man once said.

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Great that we’re having this conversation anyway, my missus rang me from work a little while ago, she’s over the moon about this vaccine, you’d swear it was all over now, jaysus I hope it’s not a false dawn.


It gives people hope of a brighter future. I’m hopeful that we can stick a fork in covid.


We’ll be back to normal by St Patrick’s Day a 3 day holiday will have to declared would be some week with Cheltenham


It may make people take environmental change more seriously. This was fixable. That may not be. Certainly makes us realize we’re not as bullet proof as a civilization as maybe we thought.


I can’t bloody wait!


look my take on this .
fellas need to be cautious as this is a press release from a company reviewing their own product. its a bit like TSMC telling the world they have a 3nm chip in production …but nobody independent has evacuated the results or criteria on what metric was used.
Pfizer share price is flat last 5 years. they need this incentive and investment right now and this is opportune. my feeling is this is a work in progress but they are confident in time they will get a result hence the announcement today.
now its a huge cal from their ceo…he must trust the integrity of his data anyway but I would really prefer if it was quantified by an independent review…however IP prevents this happening
this is about money and only money…


has the virus mutated or something mental?

I was just about to post this. Saw him on the 9 o’clock news there, the Archbishop is fucking ripping. Not having any if it. I’d say he’s storming around the place tonight shouting “the lockdown doesn’t end until every single person in this country gets two injections! All 4.75 million of them!”

@mickee321 I might be incredibly naive but my take on this was that Pfizer can’t really lie about this for the exact reason that investors and funds will be investing bug bucks on the basis of their statements. Like, public companies are supposed to be completely honest about their profit projections for example. I dont know the industry and I might be completely wrong.

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The Archbishop isn’t buying it.

For the same reason they could not sit on this because of any election either

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Like, I thought Wall Street was supposed to love Trump?

The group doing the analysis of the data from the trial are independent. I would worry less about the results at this point which are encouraging and more about the fact that this is the first time a vaccine of this type based on mRNA will be used in large populations. There will have to be a significant communication effort to explain what the vaccine is doing and convince people it is safe.


Wall Street loves anyone who is pro business and lets corporations do whatever they like in terms of tax planning, outsourcing, etc. The perception for now is that Biden will be a corporate Democrat like Clinton and Obama, remains to be seen if that will remain the case.

De Garsun wants 100% accuracy.



The crowd contracted to schedule the covid tests told staff a few weeks ago they will be scheduling the vaccines when it comes around. JSE actually organised it appears

Yesterdays man

Vaccine is done open it up ta fuck and let it rip.

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Just give everyone a placebo and get on with it.