Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Cc @TreatyStones

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It is over

Science has done it guys, Luke O’Neil sounded very upbeat a while ago, I’d say he’s a good bloke.

i think it’d be fantastic if the schools could go back to how they used to be ASAP,


RIP Tony

Scroll down this article and you get to this piece:

Group includes, you guessed it, Tom Ryan of TCD, continuing to advocate for a impossible policy that has been rejected outright by government and the cautioned against by the WHO.

Meanwhile, another group advocates an improved plan of living with covid. It’s reported on in the Irish times, see below. No mention of it on RTÉ.

Fucking fuck RTÉ, their reporting on this issue really is a thundering disgrace.


It’s over lads move on.

They are truly as you say a thundering disgrace. I wonder how much money they will end up losing this year? They will probably claim they deserve pay increases across the board for providing such essential service to us during this difficult time.

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It’s been at odds with the facts in many instances.

Great for children and that’s it .

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Still nearly 300 cases? That’s just not good enough - it was the same yesterday. We need to really get this down to a manageable number… this codswallop about a vaccine is pie in the sky stuff — most of us will still be looking at a year before we see it… time to keep things under control now and not lose discipline.


Does Dan post here?

Most of us don’t need it full stop.

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Oh here comes the conspiracy loonies… it’s only a flu I suppose.

Try telling that to a Danish mink

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It’s only auld balls and soft cocks like yourself at risk.

You’re the expert on balls and softcocks so I’ll take your word on it.

270 cases

16 deaths

14 in November. 1 in October. The other is “under investigation”

16 softcocks …

Christ, the Irish are a joke. Willingly wanting to kill people just so they can booze at Christmas. Sick cunts.

there is no “living with covid” plan, Holohan has a “living under savage restrictions” plan which he intends to drag out as long as humanly possible

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