Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Day after vaccine news, 16 deaths announced. Whereā€™s my tin foil hat?

A really big issue is going to be that a lot of people will want to open up in March when all the old folks and vulnerables have gotten their vaccine but weā€™re still waiting on more vaccine for under-45s. Most young people at that stage wonā€™t care any more because theyā€™ve only really been going along with it to protect old people. Archbishop Tony will still want the whole country shut down until every last citizen has been injected twice.

If we just put the head down for 6 months weā€™ll smash this.

A combination of a full lockdown and the distribution of the vaccine for the 12 months of 2021 and the job is oxo

Christ thatā€™s vicious

ā€œThisā€ being every small business in the country


No point easing up now.
We need to stick at for another 9 months and then weā€™ll have enough people vaccinated to move to level 3.

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Seems likely. Hold the line lads.

Its vital the pubs are kept closed untill next year

Ok chill out mate. Once vulnerable people and health workers are vaccinated the world goes back to normal. Weā€™ll be advised to continue to socially distance and be safe and stuff for another good while but thereā€™ll be no justification for keeping things closed and weā€™ll all be allowed go to the pub.

I think thatā€™s actually a very prudent move. Iā€™d say close up the off license also a few days before christmas to cut down on the parties and gatheringsā€¦ itā€™s only one year ffs - spend it with your family and IPTV


Thatā€™s the dream scenario, I wouldnā€™t bank on it.

thereā€™s a lot of naive lads posting here. Weā€™ll be at this craic well into next summer.


Lads pronouncing ā€œit overā€ :sweat_smile:

They will be wanking around for another year with this and no pub opened untill well into 2021

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I can picture Europe being back to normal by March and NPHET/HSE still telling us we must be ā€œpatientā€ and we are ā€œramping up the rolloutā€ while we are still locked down.


Loads of lads will be prostate under the bed

cc @thewire fans


We could move from a 9e meal to just crisps in 2022


Prices of flights are very high for next summer.

Weā€™ll be back on the various Costas and a wet week in Kerry a distant memory.

this cunt

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